C: The Really Important Stuff

Keep your friends close.  I mean it!  Those who have been reading this blog for very long know that V and I are close.  We talk almost everyday.  cindybirthdaypartyWe go way—waaaaay—back!  That picture on the right is my fourth birthday party.  That’s V on the left with me, the birthday girl, in the light-colored frock, both of us blowing party noise makers.  She and I can both describe my birthday cake to you—it was a circus “Big Top” cake, and we were so very impressed with it.

Because of our long history, V knows things about me I’d rather you didn’t—no matter, I know some things about her, too, so my secrets are safe!  And she is a loyal, wise friend; I never doubt that.

I don’t know what I’d do without V; she has been unbelievable support through the trials of my last couple of years.

And she’s non-judgmental, too!

Take  the other night.  On a whim and at last minute, I decided to have MIL and V and her husband, R, to dinner.  Must try out that new grill, you know!  Son and I began spiffing up the house and working some outtractortireside to prepare for guests, and everything went wrong.  I have a Kubota tractor and two riding lawn mowers.  MIL has a new fancy lawn mower.  N.o.t  o.n.e  s.i.n.g.l.e.  o.n.e.  of these pieces of machinery would  work!  I had banged up MIL’s mower blade by hitting a hidden log.  The other two won’t start, having yet to be fixed up after the winter. The tractor has a direly flat tire which won’t inflate.  Got to figure that one out, both budget-wise and getting the tire replaced or fixed.

Therefore, we were having guests with overgrown yard, front and back.  Oh, well.

I set about getting ready for dinner.  We had purchased a rotisserie for my new grill.  The plan was to poke that sucker through some Cornish hens and roast them, along with ears of corn.  So, I hosed the considerable pollen off the back porch, cleaned up the tables and chairs out there, and squirted the grill really well, too.  I had not purchased a cover yet, so it gas grillwas “pollinated,” too.

I went to get the rotisserie and could not locate it.  I recall that it was in  the back of that Home Depot truck that was used to deliver the grill home.  I asked Son.  He helped me search…not on the front porch…not on the back porch…we looked everywhere.  Finally, I decided I had left it at the store.  No rotisserie chickens for us…never mind, I’d just grill them.

I went to light the grill with the auto-light feature.  No dice.  Over and over I tried.  I stooped to figure out the problem—not rocket science.  The guts were dripping with water.  I had apparently drowned the grill in my zeal to get it clean.


cornishhens So, it was back to oven-roasted.  I got the chicks ready, the table set, and all went well.  The hens were coming done just as our guests arrived.  We visited a few minutes and pretty much went straight to the table.  It was as we were sitting down that I noticed that R had to squeeze between the table and the standing ironing board and iron which I had meant to put away and had not quite gotten to it…

give thanks And, you know, as we bowed our head to give our thanks for our food, I found myself saying to God (to my guests’ chuckles), “And thank You for friends and mothers-in-law who will come to dinner and not care one whit if the lawn is mowed or the ironing board is put up!”

We had a grand time!  The food was good, Son had someone to go shoot with him a few minutes outside, and the company and conversation was stellar.  Not a tense thing about it.

All because of good friends.

As I closed the front door, having bid my friends “Good Night,” I sighed with contentment as I turned on my heel to head to bed…and spied the rotisserie leaned up in the corner of the dining room.

Ah, well; maybe next time!  C


Monalisa said…
You are so so right.
No one really minds about the state of the house only yourself.
Even the food doesn't really matter, something simple and plenty of it and everyone is happy.
It's good company that really counts...
Unknown said…
In the end all that really matters are the moments you spent really enjoying each others company, but your story is pretty funny, I love to hear other people tell it like it really is because it certainly helps me to remember I am not the only one and life does not have to look like the pictures in the magazines. I love this blog ! It has been a long couple of years for me after the separation from hubby of 27 years, but I have had a lot of inspiration from blogs like yours, that help me to remember I am not the only one who ever went through this and in the end I did not die, lol, life goes on. Thanks~ Happy Thursday.
Vee said…
You two are adorable! And I love this post because it shows how you kept calm and carried on as they say. Just like real life!
Ayak said…
You are so right. Good friends don't care about the state of the house or garden or even what you give them to eat...all they and you are interested in is spending quality time together.
Zuzana said…
What a beautiful tribute to your best friend.;) You two are very fortunate to have managed to keep being this close for this long.
I have had good friends in different periods, but always grew apart from them, mostly as I have been moving so much. I still keep in touch with my oldest friend that I have known since I was 7, but we are not really close at all.
Absolutely lovely post.;)
Vickie said…
Awww, C, you sound like ME!

ARen't good friends and family just the BEST! The ones that you can be yourself with, that don't care if everything is perfect - because YOU are perfect to them- just the way you are!
Milton said…
Muttie wouldn't have ANY friends were she to be judged on her housework skills!

Love the photo of you two as four-year-olds. So cute!!

Milt x
Melissa said…
I so admire the friendship you two have.

You both inspire me.

Love Melissa
Jody Blue said…
True measure is when they love you through thick and thin, you are blessed.
jan said…
Lucky, lucky you! (not about losing the grill thingy - about the friends!)


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