C: GIVEAWAY!! Our First Ever! Join the Fun!

As promised in my last post, this is your chance to WIN!! If you read the previous post, you will see that I am intrigued by by-gone etiquette rules. I have two copies of this book, one dating from 1945 (for which you can all vie) and one from 1950. The questions I am asking below are from the 1950 book because I had not yet dug the other one out when I starting composing this one.

The topics we cover in this quiz seem foreign to me, and we think they will to most of you, since the classes are so mixed up these days. Emily, herself, notes this trend. You can almost hear her sniff as she says in her introduction on Page xii:
The smart and the near-smart...are all mixed up together. The walls that used to enclose the world that was fashionable are all down. Even the cartracks that divided cities into smart and not-smart sections are torn up.

And, I must say, V and I probably hail from the "not-smart" side of the tracks...sigh.

Okay, here are the rules (such as they are):
1. This is a self-graded test. We really don't care about your "score," what we want are your comments!! Go through the questions and see if you know the answers. Score yourself.

2. Go to the "comments" section, give us your "score." (If it's perfect, we will suspect that you have come to us from a time warp...and probably through a few social classes, if you're reading our blog).

3. In your comments, let us know what you thought interesting, what you got right and why (please, tell us that one), or some antecdote about your own etiquette (we especially love to hear about others' faux pas!)

4. Ten days from now (which would be September 2, Wednesday, we will choose a winner to be announced on Thursday, September 3. This will be while V and I are in the throes of etiquette, preparing for her son's wedding on the 5th.

5. Method of choosing a winner: Everyone's name goes into the squirrel cage, to be drawn by the "G People" (Grandparents: My mother and mother-in-law). BUT you can get extra chances! Help us build our readership and share the opportunity here by posting about our contest (let us know, please) for two extra chances. New followers get two extra, as well. The "G-People" will also award one extra point for each of the five comments they deem worthy (such as the ones that make them giggle).

V and I love this contest thing and (just a hint for the future), we've snagged and put away some neat stuff (the rest of it is new, mind you) for our future contests! The chance to build readership aside, we love the sharing idea!

So, here goes. Answers follow, below:

1. What is the proper custom for a man wearing a hat when he is introduced to or greets another person?

2. What verbal response do you give when you are introduced to a new person?

3. What are the differences between "balls" and "dances?"

4. What is the difference between the butler's dress and the gentleman's dress after 6 p.m.?

5. What is a P.P.C. card?

Now, in your head, hear the Jeopardy "thinking theme." I tried to insert the music, but did not have time to figure it out...too advanced for me.
Okay, get your red pencils out and score yourselves. Here are the answers:

1. A gentleman lifts or removes his hat when he greets someone with whom he is already acquainted. If it is a stranger, he "tips" his hat.

2. You ALWAYS say "How do you do?" in response to an introduction. Nothing else is acceptable. Emily says that to reply "Pleased to meet you" is the "tabu of all tabus" (her words).

By the way, "I beg your pardon" is also the ONLY acceptable; never, ever say "Pardon me," unless, of course, it is in French, in which case it is perfectly acceptable.

3. Dances are geared toward one age group, while balls include people of all ages and are, of course, more elaborate. Balls ALWAYS sport TWO orchestras (you can get by with one for a "dance") and a supper which must begin at 1 a.m. and end by 3 a.m.

Balls also include announcing at the door, ALWAYS a red carpet, and a valet/chauffeur to open the door of the cars as they pull up. There are many, many more differences, but you get the idea just in case you need to decide whether to throw a ball or a dance.

4. Until 6 p.m. the Butler wears a suit of black or very dark blue. After 6, he wears a dress suit differing from his employer in a few details only: no braid on trousers; the silk on his lapels is, of course, narrower; and he wears a black waistcoat (never use that vulgar term, "vest") and white lawn tie. A gentleman, of course, always wears a white waistcoat with white tie or white waistcoat and black tie with dinner coat, but NEVER the reverse. (By the way, only a "vulgarian" allows a butler with a mustache.).

5. A PPC is a visiting-card on which the initials PPC (the French: pour prendre conge—to take leave) are written in ink in the lower left corner. This is mailed and merely means that you are leaving town and is a sort of “good-bye.” No other message is needed. It was, at Emily’s writing, becoming acceptable to replace the PPC (French) with the English version initials of T.s.g.h. which means “To say good-by).

I had to restrain myself to keep this from getting pages long. I love this stuff. Can't wait to get your take on these and hear your own stories or interesting words on etiquette! BE SURE WE HAVE A WAY TO REACH YOU SO THAT WE CAN SHIP YOUR VERY OWN COPY IF YOU WIN!! (and yes, dear international readers, we WILL ship to you!) -C


Karen Deborah said…
Um well, I got 2 of them. I never have been accused of social graces, as evidenced by beginning a sentence with "um" which is not a word. I got the first one right and about half of the dances, I knew about the red carpet, the announcment, etc, because I have seen Cinderella.

Regarding your comment. "Nourishing Traditions" does not recommend a vegetarian diet, they fall into the politically correct category of unhealthy diets; according to Sally Fallon. I LOVED this book. It makes perfect sense to me. I think she is on the right track.
Martha said…
Correct on 1, 3 and 5. Gave the tabu response on 2, and 4 is just crazy--nobody will get that. It's probably helpful if you're a reader of historical novels or a fan of Masterpiece Theater.
Vee said…
Pardon me? I flunked this test completely. I found it most interesting that "Pardon me" is unacceptable. It's got to be preferable to many things that I can think of. Best wishes with the wedding preparations...sounds like fun!
carla said…
Pardon me. I was correct only on numbers 1 and 2.

My dad wore a hat, and even though he was not a toff, he observed hat etiquette. How I miss the days when ladies and gentlemen wore hats and dressed nicely to go to church, shopping, out to dinner, etc... My mother rued the advent of casual (sloppy) dress. She said that when people dress nicely that they behave better. And I have noticed that when I'm dress up, I feel differently; more lady-like.

A few years ago I planned an old-fashioned wedding shower/afternoon tea. I compiled 1900 era etiquette and asked one of the older ladies in our church to read it aloud to the group. Some things were good common sense; others were mystifying. A friend sang an old romantic ballad, my husband played the piano. There were flowers and candles on the tables, delicate food and everyone dressed up. My husband played vintage love songs on the piano. It was a lovely old fashioned party. Ah.....
Anonymous said…
Well Stick Horse Cowgirls-here are my answers.
1)Cowboy pushes ten-gallon hat back and swaps his face with his red bandana.
2) Says "Howdy Pardner. Whar you from?"
3)Men have "balls" and girls have "dances."
4)They both wear the same, white T shirt and jeans.
5)Perfectly Pecked (you know pecs.
Will that do for a chance at the book? Looks like I might need it. Didn't even get close.
Threeblindsheep said…
I took the quiz for fun- with a father in the military, I knew about hat etiquette; love of books/movies like Gosford Park and Remains of the Day I knew about waistcoats (white for gentlemen, never for butlers!); and my high school French served me in good form for the PCC. (and other calling card vocabulary)
Best Wishes to the new couple! -Sheep M
Unknown said…
Well I figured out there had to be something about taking off the hat so I guess 1/2 on that one and I knew a ball was fancier than a dance. So maybe another 1/4. So I may not be proper (never claimed to be). But I do know how to add - 3/4 points! Way to go!! Thanks for the fun.
Suzanne said…
Oh, I only got two right. I knew the hat thing because in my day every man wore a hat and tipped it or removed it. Mostly, they removed their hats, which were definitely removed indoors anyway.

I chose the taboo answer for #2. "Please to make your acquaintance" just doesn't cut it I guess.

I knew about the balls because the Farmer and I attended one once upon a time. We're were announced at the entrance and everything! It was probably not proper etiquette for me to stand at the bar and order my own drink. I struck up a conversation with an interesting woman who was doing likewise. The Farmer spotted me and later asked, "Do you KNOW who you were talking to?" Nope, she was just a mom like me in my eyes. He informed me that she was a very powerful and very influential woman in Washington.

Butler's? People actually had butlers? Oh yes they did. I read Pamela Harriman's book! Now she was a piece of work.

KathyB. said…
Boy, I should probably NOT be allowed anywhere proper etiquette is required, I only got one answer correct, #1. And Queen Mother Mamaw gave the reply I thought in my head and laughed aloud at to myself before reading the comments. ( I bet she should not be taken anywhere requiring proper etiquette either)

This is fun stuff and love the way you write, especially the term "throes of etiquette". And I will happily talk about your blog on mine as I had intended to already, I LOVE your blog.
jan said…
I knew the answer to #2, but probably through Masterpiece Theatre! When I read #1, I thought about my husband who gets so annoyed with boys who wear the ubiquitous baseball cap with the bill towards the back (nevermind the ones that have it to the side!)He has been known to ask them if they are afraid thier neck will get sunburned. That is the extent of our hat etiquitte discourse!
Anonymous said…
Welll, this was a little surprising. I "assumed" that I would have an edge on this quiz since I am actually old enough to remember Emily Post! But, after reading the answers, it has just reminded me of what humble stock I come from and how far removed my world was from Emily's.

My father did wear a hat, so I pretty much knew "hat" etiquette, and it still bothers me when I see a man eating in a restaurant with his hat on -- especially the ones who are old enough that you KNOW they know better.

I think life was so different back then, and even when I was young in regard to etiquette and attitudes that it is hard to imagine now.

As an example, in 1964 I graduated from high school on a Friday and started work as a secretary the next Monday. My mother had bought me five dresses with matching pumps and purses so that I would be appropriately dressed (at least hats and gloves were no longer worn!). The only men who didn't wear suits and ties in that large insurance company worked in the mailroom -- and even they wore white shirts.

Some of my first secretarial duties for my new boss, Mr. S (I would NEVER have called him by his first name.) were watering and polishing the leaves on the plants in his office, serving coffee to him and his guests, answering every one of his calls and then transferring them to him (unless he had told me to hold them and take a message)and taking long letters down in shorthand and then transcribing them on a manual typewriter, always making multiple copies with carbon paper.

Memorably, Mr. S dictated letters to me on the last day I worked before I got married -- some of which I didn't get transcribed before I left! So, I took the notes with me on my honeymoon (to a lake cottage about 45 minutes out of town), transcribed them in long hand "in my spare time" and then Hubby and I drove back into town one evening and gave them to another secretary who took them to the office and typed them up for Mr. S. I'd love to know what Mr. S was thinking to do that to a young girl just getting married, but I would never have been so presumptious to ask! I wonder what Emily would have said about that!
Lisa said…
Well, my responses prove that I am truly lacking in etiquette! I did get question 1 correct, so that is something, I suppose. That knowledge comes from watching many, many classic movies!
Well, I am ashamed to say that I only knew the first one....I can say it's because I was raised in the country, and we were taught to say yes mam, no mam and to keep our elbows off of the table. Dances were in the street in the small town or at a barn gathering. We were not around social gatherings other than that and maids and buttlers did not exist, we cleaned up and atteneded to ourselves. Just loved reading this post! blessings,Kathleen
I got two of them right. But I don't think most of my answers are fit for public. I better quit while I'm ahead! Pardon me.
Rue said…
Holy smokes! I thought I was going to be good at this until I read the questions. I only got #1, #2 and part of #3 right, because I've studied etiquette all my life.

My biggest pet peeve is when people don't put a napkin in their lap right when they sit down at the table.

I NEED that book, apparently LOL

Michelle said…
Obviously, I should just close my door and stay in the house. I only got #1 truly correct. I am glad that Queenmothermamaw could clear up that whole "balls and dances" thing for me.
Chris H said…
I was too tired to do the little question thing!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
My ring is all better !
Maybe won't put a photo up though..
Playing in mud is not so nice! Making pots is.
kath001 said…
One and two were a breeze.

Three I was really off...what can I say, I married a Baptist.

Four I'm pretty sure has something to do with the hemline...the gentleman's dress should be full length after six, while the butler's dress should remain tea length so he doesn't trip over it while serving the brandy and cigars.

Five has changed over the years. While a card may still be mailed out when leaving town, the PPC now stands for Please Pick me/us Clean.
Correct - numbers 1 and 2.
Partially correct - number 3 - I knew some of the differences between a ball and dance.
Number 4 - I've never had a butler, but knew the butler and the gentleman of the house never dress alike.
Number 5 - knew a PPC card was some sort of card to be produced upon visiting someone.
I'm guilty of saying the shortened version, "pardon me"; just being lazy.
In short, Manners Count! And Good Manners Count Most of All! People who depend upon tips to help round out their salary know this to be very true.
I agree with Carla; I miss the days when people dressed nicely to go to church, shopping, visiting, etc. It's a sign of disrespect to show up dressed in torn jeans, tee shirt, sneakers, etc. If that's all a person has, that's a different story but when someone shows up shabbily dressed they are announcing they don't care.
If they don't care, why not just stay home?
While I'd love to win this book, I do believe Queenmothermawmaw has the BEST answers; never mind correct! -grin-
BTW, congratulations to the groom and best wishes to the bride.
Vickie said…
Well, I crashed and burned on all accounts. Lots of "hick" and "backwoods" runs through my veins obviously. Here's my answers:
1. Tip hat to ladies, shake men's hand.
2. Nice to meecha.
3. I got sorta close maybe??? Ball - formal, Dance - informal
4. I didn't know either of them wore dresses? Butler's is knee length and gentleman's is floor length after 6. And off the shoulder w/gloves...
5. some kind of RSVP?

Uh-Oh - I see that someone else got in on the dress thing. I'm too late...
That was fun. The only one I got right was the first one, but I had fun trying. These are so funny.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I think Little Rock may be the only Ark. city recognized by blogger. I am on the other side of the state (Blytheville-NE corner), but when I type in my town, it automatically registers me in L.R.! Nice to meet some more Ark. bloggers though. Oh, BTW, I answered "nice to meet you", which is my standard reply to meeting someone! Who knew? laurie
Sandy said…
I got 1 & 2 correct but did not know 3, 4 & 5. What a delight to read the answers. Since retiring I have been helping out at an organization called Kindness, Inc. We provide transportation for the elderly and handicapped to doctors appointments, shopping etc. Since beginning this I have met some wonderful older ladies who probably knew the answers to all the questions! I cherish the friendships I have made with this delightful group. It has put life into perspective for me. God, family and friends...... I sure appreciate this site as it will give me an outlet for feelings I have pushed aside as I went about raising my children and pursuing a career. Thanks.
Iron Needles said…
Ahh! My mother taught me to knit, to sew, to bake bread, but never the difference between balls and dances. D-Oh! I got #1 right, and none else. Coming from a town of <3500 in W. KS...not surprising. There were few homes with butlers...and none of those was I ever invited to...
KathyB. said…
I have to tell you,I was surprised tonight when my husband told me he took the quiz ( first surprise ) and got 3 of the answers correct( 2nd surprise ). Obviously I married UP in class. ( 3rd surprise, I did not know he was so well acquainted with etiquette, but then , he always opened my car door for me )I married a gentleman!
Kim said…
I knew the one about the hat from watching all the Austen movies and the one about the the visiting card. Otherwise I am a social failure for the time period. Oh what would the gossips say.
Me said…
Too late to enter, but I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed this post - I'm also a huge fan of Ms.Post!
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