Stick Horse Cowgirl V: My Other Self and a Challenge to “C”


Such a week this was!  I was ill for a couple of days and “C” spent every day this week in court.  We are both exhausted, BUT I could not resist the invitation extended to all from Karen of to participate in “My Other Self”.  Here goes!  It’s fun!


My other self would live in a red cottage like this one in Norway—red houses show well in the snow you know!




My other self would take good care of herself and have lovely vacations in Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. 


Martha's vineyard

Although I’m a Southern girl through and through,  I do have some Yankee ancestors who hailed from Vermont!   My other self would love to explore the Northeast!


No ordinary jewelry for my other self.  Only handcrafted artisan jewelry like this!


5609761488_ac6e89c660_z Robin & Sage jewelry

Love this jewelry from Robin and the Sage—she has a blog and Etsy shop.  She lives in Finland and her Woodland Jewelries can be found at   Don’t you just love the name “Woodland Jewelries”?  It sounds like jewelry for fairies!


My other self would also wear bohemian pieces like this from  Tracy Porter has style and charm—even if she is not a Southern girl!


Turkish Bazaar Teardrop earrings

and this…


Turquoise bracelet from TP



and this cardigan because my clothes are kind of plain!

tracy porter cardigan (red)


and these shoes—the real me can’t wear flats or heels!


Tracy Porter flats

My other self would be a potter like Julie Whitmore and make gorgeous pottery like this!  See this and other fabulous, unique works of art at


Julie whitmore fox

And she would hook gorgeous rugs from glorious wool like this one from Karen Kahle. You can find Karen’s site at


Karen Kahle house rug


And this wonderful piece by Deanne Fitzpatrick.  Deanne’s AMAZING blog is at  Even if you are not into hooking rugs, Deanne is a wise woman with lots of interesting things to say and some good recipes too!  She also hosts guest writers often.  This is a quality site!



My other self would make art with soul.


My other self would look like this!  Of course my other self is not vain at all!! Right!



Sigh….I can only wish!


Since my other self was so wealthy from her creative endeavors, (oh yeah!), in the spirit of  philanthropy and so as to not feel so guilty about all the coveting, she would always remember the downtrodden.  She would help the Dohnavur Fellowship in South India, where Irish missionary, Amy Carmichael, spent 50 years working for the liberation of females being sold into temple prostitution.  Although the practice was outlawed in 1947, female infants are still in danger of infanticide.


Amy Carmichael


My other self would also support homeless animals through where they are working so tirelessly right now to help animals displaced in the tornado and flood disasters here in Arkansas and across the South.  These two animals are available for adoption now!

This beautiful dog and many others need homes. Although cats are more adept at escaping, many of them are homeless too!

Vilonia dog

Even horses are without a home.  One couple killed in Vilonia, AR area, had several horses, including a pregnant mare. 


vilonia horse

Sadly, the current economy and weather disasters have caused terrible suffering for people and animals.  In our state, we have heard of horses being left in people’s pastures and in wilderness areas because people can no longer feed them—and this was before the tornadoes and floods!

So, my other self would be an artsy,  self-employed grandmother working from home only when she felt like it!  She would also have an animal rescue mission in her backyard—much to her husband’s dismay! Of course she would have “staff” to help care for them.  Martha Stewart has “ staff”-- doesn’t she?!!  “C” and I both agree that if our ship ever comes in we’re both having “staff”!  Sounds pretty good to me!   Oh yes, and my other self would look like a young Grace Kelly!

Ok, “C”, it YOUR turn now!  I’m curious about your “other self”!


KathyB. said…
I would love to be a friend of "your other self", being as she/you have staff and money, and of course, the time to pursue any and all avenues necessary for accomplishing the amazing and selfless acts required to save the animals and people from such harm. You would be easy to follow because you would be the most beautiful woman around and decked in such splendor you would be hard to miss. I bet you are easy to love in spite of your other self not showing up...maybe you could buy just one pair of amazing shoes and wear them while you rest.

Good post, and what interesting things to think about.Oh, I would love that house in Norway too!(note to other self*)
Vee said…
Fascinating! I like your other self's style and can't imagine why a lot of that can't be your own. I may have to give this some thought as Diane at Lavender Dreamer has been inviting people to join her as well. She may have had the idea from Karen.
Oh, I just LOVE your other self!!!... and I love Marthas Vineyard, we go whenever we can afford it. Why didn't I think of THAT for my other self.

Thanks for playing along. I'll add you under the hot tub!
Country Girl said…
Very stylish, if I must say. And hey, is there a link to Robin and the Sage jewelry? It's beautiful ~

Have a great weekend, V.
What a great post! I had fun doing the challenge, too and chose jewelry that is hand made! It was very thought provoking, wasn't it?! ♥
Melissa said…
Your other self is an amazing woman.

I cannot wait to go check out some of those fun websites that you listed.

Happy Sunday!

happyone said…
Very interesting to think of being another self. I don't know if I would really want to be another self. One thing though, I'd like to be able to sing good. : )
oh how i enjoyed this...i love everything...

i love robin and sage...i don't know if you know this but my best friend is julie whitmore...we even went to new england together cause we both LOVE new england so much !!!!

and the peice about the animals breaks my heart...just today i gave a homeless girl the cat food i had in my grocery cart...she was in the rain with a kitty in a little stroller...what a heartbreaker that say the least...

happy to see you at Farmhouse Kitchen...always nice to see a friend and i have missed you...

kary, teddy and the farmhouse kittys
Zuzana said…
Oh, this was a fun post! It is so enjoyable to imagine what one would do *only if*.;)
I am with you totally on the jewelry, just my kind.;) Or "my other self" kind as well.;))
Sandra said…
What an interesting read, V! But, I'm kind of glad that this is just for fun, because I really like the REAL you! :)
How delightful this is! I just love your other self!

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