C: Peach Cakin’ Candy Corn

On the heels of my canned corned beef post and in the spirit of continuing  to share food-related memories, I offer the following:

peachcake When my son was about fourteen, I made an unusually-rich dessert; a peachy/whipped cream sort of thing.  Best I recall, we split  round cake layers (yellow), poured a little peach nectar over them, layered fresh peaches and whipped cream, then repeated.  It was a huge hit.

It looked something like this picture on the left.

After dinner and our dessert, my husband and I ran out for an hour or so on an errand.  When we returned, Son was laid out on the sofa holding his tummy, moaning. 

Mom,”  he said.  “Do not ever make that dessert again.  I ate so much of it, I never want to see it again.”

Sure enough, when I went into the kitchen I found that a huge wedge of the leftover cake was missing, and Son was very sick later that night.

Since that time our family has  used the term “Peach Caked” as a verb to mean that candycorn one has ruined a certain dish by overindulgence.

I thought about this today while in the store. seeing all the Halloween Candy on display.  My son has asked that I not bring any candy corn or those little pumpkins made of the same sugary stuff into the house.

A couple of years ago I peach-caked candy corn,” he explained.  “Now the sight of them or halloween-easter7those awful little pumpkins makes me retch…same with circus peanuts”

Well, I wouldn’t want that to happen, so we’ll skip the Halloween candy.  We don’t have trick-or-treaters way out here in the country, anyway, so we don’t have an excuse to buy.

I have my own example of “peach-caking” food.  As a child I used to love pretzels.  I remember sneaking a bag of them while Mom was out in the back yard and sitting down to watch pretzel-sticks cartoons, unfettered in my enjoyment of them.  They were the stick style, as I recall, not the curvy ones.

Later, when they came back up, I was ruined forever on pretzels—straight or curly. Now, fifty years later, I cannot stand the thought of eating one.  I guess for me they’ve been peach-caked.

Have you peach-caked anything? 

Lesson learned: Moderation is the best policy!  C


Vee said…
Peach-caked seems a very good verb and nicely euphemistic as well. No. I have not personally peach-caked anything, though there are many foods I do not enjoy, but it has nothing to do with eating too much of them. No, I am always willing to give foods I love another chance.
I have been known to overindulge on circus peanuts AND candy corn, but it has only tempered my appetite for them, not eliminated completely their taste appeal!
Woops, that was one-handed typist me, Stick horse Cowgirl V
happyone said…
No can't say I've ever peach-caked. I just keep going back for more. :-)
Expiredmilk said…
Eww. Burgers, but I'll still eat 'em. Candy corn, probably. It gets old fast. D:
Anonymous said…
Chai tea. I got really ill after drinking a large cup of chai tea--probably a virus, not the quanity drank, but it still doesn't appeal to me!!
Vickie said…
Yes, I have - Braum's Reese's Peanut Butter Cups Mix... do I still eat them.

Laura Taff said…
That looks really good... I love candy corn. Thanks for linking up on Monday Mingle...did you see that I featured you last week?
mamahasspoken said…
Mine is mt mom's homemade chili. It took many a years before I was willing to eat ANY chili again.
Janean said…
this is the cutest post! your son sounds like mine when i made chocolate mousse from scratch one year. LOL

looks great!!!!!
Unknown said…
Fruit Punch. To this day even the smell of it makes me gag.
KathySue said…
I cannot recall ever "peach-caking" any one particular food..but I grow tired of certain foods quickly - like salad. I like salad, but if I eat more than 2 or 3 in a week...won't want them again for awhile. I am the same with chicken salad or tuna salad...once a week or less is plenty.

But now that you have mentioned candy corn, I am craving some and one of my friends always had candy corn mixed with peanuts on her desk and it was that wonderful blend of salty and sweet that I love! Kind of like dipped pretzels---sorry C!!!
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