C: Artemis of the Back Yard

DSCN1142 A couple posts back, here, I wrote about my cat, Sasha: she who lives on my back porch and reigns supreme in the fenced back yard.  As I mentioned, she is a shy sweetie.

But Sasha is much more than that.  She is a killing machine….

At my back door I often find little offerings of small animals, laid like little sacrifices on the altar of the cat-food-bringer.  Usually they are birds or mice.  Occasionally there will be a small rabbit.  As disgusting as this is to me, I realize that these are tokens of Sasha’s affection.  Just doing her part…DSCN1145

Tonight I heard a little distress call from my back porch just outside my bedroom window, and I knew that Sasha was, again, plying her skill.  Artemis of the back yard.

The sound raises my blood pressure a bit—like hearing a crying baby.  I can’t tell for sure what type of animal is in Sasha’s clutches, but I can tell that it is too late for me to do it any good.  The cries are weak and I know from experience that if I open my back door, Sasha will disappear with her trophy into the darkness of the night.

No, may as well let nature take its grim course.

But, as I heard the little cry, it occurred to me that it sounds exactly like a pet squeaky toy.   I have often been curious as to why my dogs and cat were attracted to that squeaky sound, perking right up and pricking their ears when I’d squeeze their toys.  Now I know…it sounds like prey distress. 

Whew! Nature’s tough!



I miss you! I have been gone SO MUCH and I know when I miss your writing, I'm truly getting short-shrift. Hope you are well and yes, my late Kitty Baby did the same thing. Loved to skin gophers and then bring the skinless things to me. Don't know WHAT she did with the pelts but I always expected her to turn up in a lovely little gopher coat. :)
Tanna said…
LOL! We have our very own Artemis, Velvet. She weighs barely over six pounds, white as snow, longish hair, yellow eyes... and every single ounce of her is a KILLING MACHINE, too! And, never a hair out of place!
Michelle said…
I have an Artemis of the farm...my Border Collie. And, she loves to lay her offerings on my front porch.
HappyK said…
I had a cat once who brought a live mouse INTO the house and then let it go!!
Vee said…
No killing machines here...indoor cats. Although, if there's a mouse about, we expect them to do their thing.
Well, I've had cats bring their still living prey into house also! An injured bird, a mouse, even a dead (thank goodness!) snake! My two indoor cats are real sissies--they will hardly venture out onto the front porch!
Stick Horse Cowgirl V
Sumandebray said…
The cat in action can be quite an intense scene.... But its the mother natures balancing act
Sandra said…
What an interesting observation about the squeaky toys. I had never thought of what that sound was meant to mimic.

We just went out to dinner with friends and were talking about bear attacks because of the recent one in the news. That makes the little "thinning of the herd" done by house pets, like your little kitty cat very acceptable in comparison, doesn't it.
Unknown said…
Love the stories of the animals. We don't have any now have to enjoy the grandpets. I had to change my addy for security purposes so you will see a different avatar and addy. You like to invite you to come back over and refollow up if you would. I am trying to contact all my favorite blogs. Blessings
Joolz said…
My moggie, Bonnie loves to eat birds, mice (and yes, baby rabbits) on my garage mat. She leaves the wing feathers and is not partial to (I think) the hearts as she leaves these bloody morsels for me to step on! Eeeugh!

Cheers- Joolz
YOu know... this is one of the things I HATE about pet ownership. I love my dogs and the cats we've owned, but no more cats for me now that the last has died of old age. It always broke my heart when I'de find the head of a mouse or the beaks and feet of a bird on the doorstep in the morning. Baby rabbits were the worst. I saved a few, but not all. UGH.

Never thought about the squeaky toy enthusiasm before, but it makes perfect sense.
Kateyed said…
Thanks so much for being a follower of Katsui. We are having a giveaway (drawing on Monday) for one of our first hundred to thank you all.

Suz and Kat
oh...i have kitty trouble from time to time too..lots of kittys around here too....

i have my little stray pixie...who is now mine..she showed up in the garden labor day 2008...been here ever since...and my blood pressure goes straight up when i here that meow in the night....please don't get hurt, pixie...it is tough out there...for sure

on the pie crust front: that's the same recipe i use..the martha one...and i too have had trouble with it sinking down....huh? how did that happen??? it looked so good going in..and YEP...i really chill it good now before i put it in the oven...and it does help...

i have a plate of apple pie with your name on it over here at farmhouse, my friend

kary and teddy

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