V: Joy to the World!

This holy season finds "C" and I both facing challenges in our families. These tribulations include relationship difficulties, serious illness of extended family, death of a long-time neighbor and close friend a week ago, and loss of job to a family member.

My oldest daughter just came home from the hospital after a two day stay for pregnancy complications. So instead of wrapping gifts and baking cookies, I've been caring for her three children and my youngest daughter's new infant son "Jack", as the babysitter arrangements didn't work out. So, weariness covers me like a heavy woolen cloak, but I do have a turkey to roast tomorrow, and a few sweets to prepare with grandaughter, Julia.

"C" has a house full of extended family visiting from the East coast. I know she is enjoying cooking and visiting with them all. Like me, she has family who are facing difficult times, and her soon-to-be ex continues to cause grief, but we both place our hope in something beyond ourselves. I would like to share this favorite Scripture with you this day. Our "Christmas card" to you!

"For my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared in the sight of all people, a Light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to Your people Israel."
Luke 2:30-32

This Christmas season may you find your hope, your peace, your joy in Him. Blessings to you and yours. V.


Zuzana said…
Often life throws us unexpected events our way, but it is in that time that it is so important with great friends and the love of our families and the tranquility of our traditions.
I am hoping your daughter is well, congratulations on the new addition to the family.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to both of you, I have enjoyed getting to know you both lovely Ladies through your beautiful writing.

Anita said…
C & V, all the very best to you both at Christmas time and throughout the year. You know you can always snip a lock of troublesome peoples hair, make a calico doll and buy some dress pins....get the picture. OOps that is evil Anita creeping out of me. OOOOOOh. Hugs and kisses to you both. Kind regards, Anita.
Vickie said…
Hi there V,
praying for you V& C (man I just realized that's my initials LOL)-that your festive season is as joyous as can be and that 2010 is a better year for you both,cheers Vickie
Joolz said…
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KathyB. said…
This is so appropriate and uplifting. Through all the trials and tribulations you have both had and shared, and through all the other trials and tribulations you have not shared but are facing one day at a time it is really good to know you can place your trust in God and celebrate in the face of these issues. I hope 2010 brings much better times and allows you to stick out your tongues and say "nanny nanny boo boo and good riddance" to this years trials.

Merry Christmas to both of you and your families and thank-you so much for so much humorous encouragement.
Anonymous said…
Dear C and V, I am so sorry for the difficulties but discord just not consider holidays. You are strong woman and will work it through. Thank you so much for your visits and comments. Look for to continuing your blogship into next year. Blessings to all your loved ones and extended family.
Lucy said…
We all have days come along that are surprisingly NOT what they are meant to be. Try to pull one thing out to hold in your memory. A smile, a taste, the look in someone's eyes... With even my most horrible Christmas, there is something I took away that was a wonder and I know you can too.
carla said…
Merry Christmas


God bless all in your houses.
Vickie said…
V & C - there's a prayer going up right now for both your families. I pray that your daughter bounces back and the grandchildren will stay well and calm, and that C's X will not cause problems during the holidays. I pray for both of ya'll to enjoy the family time and the togetherness and that God may bless both your families with the richness of His grace and bring peace, comfort and joy to brighten up the celebration of the birth of Jesus.
Vee said…
Gloria Gaither says, "Look for God in the unexpected." I know that you will find Him right there. What a blessing you are to your family at this challenging time. Thank you for your sweet reminder for it is much needed and appreciated here. Merry Christmas to both of you gals!
Just wanting to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2010.
jan said…
Thinking of you both and wishing peace and joy for your families!
Sumandebray said…
Merry Christmas, C & V! Have a wonderful celebration.
Tough time does not last but tough people does1

All the very best to you all and the new year will bring a new dawn of hope and good times.
Maria said…
Dear C & V, Happy Christmas anyway. With you through it all......
Anonymous said…
This is such a touching post. V. My heart aches for all you and C are going through. But it is uplifting at the same time to see you both resting in your faith.

You are definitely both in my prayers, dear friends.
I hope the new year if filled with better and happier times for both of you! blessings,Kathleen
Anonymous said…
Dee from Tennessee ♥

Beautiful card and a profound truth...blessings to all, wrapped up in a Tennessee hug. May 2010 be a kinder year to all.
Janean said…

though your Christmas was not the way you planned, what a GIFT to be able to care for your family in a meaningful way!!!

(((hugs for your weary bones)))
Tanna said…
I am happy to have found your blog through your comment! I love that us 50-somethings are blogging away and finding each other all around the country. How incredible is that?! Friendship is a wonderful blessing... seems you two have been especially blessed in that department.

The scripture is perfect (like any are not). But, I have to say my fancy is caught by your Ride Life header! Go girls!
Tess Kincaid said…
Warm, woolly wishes for a wonderful 2010!
I'm sorry to hear of your difficulties at this special time -- or any time! -- of year.

I hope for better things for you and yours in 2010.

A blessed and happy new year to you,
and all best wishes, from Cass

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