If you have read very many of my posts, you know what a blessing my dogs are to me. When I was sent this video by a friend, I thought "Wow! What a sermon is that!" I had to share:
Before I get to busy with making and wrapping presents (and delivering a baby) I wanted to visit and say "Merci Beaucoup" for following Parisienne Farmgirl this year.
It truly was a blessed year and I hope you keep on blogging, sharing your thoughts and life's adventures in 2010.
First of all, your dogs are beautiful! I wish I woudl have a dog but my lifestyle doesn't permit it.;) But Batcat is my everything. The clip was fantastic and so true. I always also forget to tell you how much I enjoy seeing the black and white picture of you and V on the sidebar, age four. Incredible - and admirable - that you have remained friends through out life. xo Zuzana
Nice to have dogs as freinds. But life doesnot permit to have one in our house. We had one while we were kids but lost that (German Shephard) in an accident while we were out on vacation.
Anonymous said…
OMG! that was great. Made me think of both my dogs....smile.....Thanks for sharing, your the best!
Anonymous said…
We had dogs in the past. I love dogs too. We have 3 granddogs now that we love, Blossom, Rex and Ruby. The video was so cute and inspiring. Thanks for sharing. QMM
I envy people who have dogs. I'd love to have a beagle or a small terrier or a black & white border collie or a daschund or a king charles cavalier spaniel... but... I really don't like the smell of dogs or that they poop everywhere and dig up the garden and lick you. I'd like a dog to take for a walk but mostly I guess I just like other peoples dogs. I am a cat person.
Amen! I watched this video as my dogs lay at my feet, my lovely, devoted dogs. I have often wished i could be even a fraction as devoted and loving to God, my Creator and Savior as my dogs are to me...
Anonymous said…
Oh, C this made me cry. It made me miss that kind of love. Thank you for sharing this, friend. b I'm going to go get Hubby and have him watch it too. I think it will bring tears to his eyes too -- we loved our dogs.
This is one of the most fantastic and beautiful GOD and DOG stories I've ever seen and heard! This little video says it all! Truly brought tears to my eyes because it is so like my dogs to joyfully put up with me all the time while I'm busily doing all my others things. Thank you for the best post ever! I love it! Love your beautiful dogs too! Thanks for coming to visit as well...so happy to meet you! Happy Christmas week! Coralie
I keep trying to explain to people who aren't 'animal folks' how important it is to me to treat all living beings with love and fairly and with compassion. People who see animals as just something that 'hangs around' just don't get it and they don't want to get it, either...sad, they are really missing out.
Cowgirl V: Shortly after the tornado that struck Tuscaloosa, AL, I asked my sister if she would consider writing a guest post about her experiences there. She is a registered nurse who previously worked with Hurricane Katrina refugees. V Enormous, menacing killer tornado looming over Tuscaloosa, Alabama April 27, 2011 Well, it has finally started happening. I knew the day would come, but it has taken much longer than I expected. You see, I live in a tornado ravaged city. The April 27 devastation that occurred in Tuscaloosa, Alabama did not destroy my home. In fact, we had no damage. We were out of town when the storm hit but were glued to the television as we watched it begin to tear across the city. I cannot describe our feelings we had as we watched this giant storm make its way across the city. Then we had to come home. We actually came home a day early to see what we could do to help. ...
As promised in my last post, this is your chance to WIN!! If you read the previous post, you will see that I am intrigued by by-gone etiquette rules. I have two copies of this book, one dating from 1945 (for which you can all vie) and one from 1950. The questions I am asking below are from the 1950 book because I had not yet dug the other one out when I starting composing this one. The topics we cover in this quiz seem foreign to me, and we think they will to most of you, since the classes are so mixed up these days. Emily, herself, notes this trend. You can almost hear her sniff as she says in her introduction on Page xii: The smart and the near-smart...are all mixed up together. The walls that used to enclose the world that was fashionable are all down. Even the cartracks that divided cities into smart and not-smart sections are torn up. And, I must say, V and I probably hail from the "not-smart" side of the tracks...sigh. Okay, here are the rules (such as they are...
Yeah, it’s French. And, yeah, I’m faking it—I can’t speak French, at least not yet, but it’s the phrase that came to mind this morning. See? I know a little… I found myself wanting to write. But about what? Those of us in Blogdom know that one way to get a post done is to sit at the keyboard and let our fingers do the walking…mine just seemed to take off. I thought about taking off on a comment that Vickie of Sand Flat Farm made on my last post on cussing, no less. Her point is that we are growing “numb” to things…yes, that’s a post all right. But this morning I don’t feel like soap box ranting (do I hear a collective sigh of relief?). Vickie’s inspiration will wait on another day. No, I think I feel like just reporting. On life. When V first dragged me into blogging and we were considering names for our blog, one of the first names my cynical mind came up with was “As if You Care!” But I find that I do c...
It truly was a blessed year and I hope you keep on blogging, sharing your thoughts and life's adventures in 2010.
Merry Early Christmas.
The clip was fantastic and so true.
I always also forget to tell you how much I enjoy seeing the black and white picture of you and V on the sidebar, age four. Incredible - and admirable - that you have remained friends through out life.
Love the video, very cute.
Cheers - Joolz
Thank you both for writing me. Your comments always bring joy to my life.