C: The Warm Glow of Giving

nativity Wow!  Did I ever discover a satisfying last-minute gift giving idea.  One of my facebook friends, Cindy Jackson Knull, posted this link to the New York Times : Gifts of Hope.  It lists several smaller (as opposed to the “biggies” you always hear about) nonprofits with varying angles of charitable giving.
I have people on my list whom I just know will enjoy the fact that gifts have been made in their honor and, especially, in areas about which they are impassioned.  (And I KNOW they’ll enjoy it more than a trinket I might pick for them…).
Check these out.  Myself, I am passionate about women’s issues, especially education.  I was pleased to donate to several of these organizations that promote education of women in Afghanistan and prenatal care in Somalia. 
For the teacher on my list, I found the “First Book” program that Happy_Birthday_Jesusdistributes books to poor children in the United States. 
For my nurse friend, there is Nurse-Family Partnership which sends nurses to work with first-time impoverished mothers here in the states—working to break the cycle of poverty and poor health.
Jesus said “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”  Matthew 25:40. 
As I pushed the “donate” buttons each time, I got a little glow that maybe I might be giving Him a birthday gift He can enjoy….I mean, what are we celebrating at Christmas, after all?
Why don’t you consider  sharing that warmth I got from these giving opportunities!  Love to you all, C

PS - In my early-morning-writing fog, I forgot to add Cindy's blog link.  Go there--amazing photographs and writing!


Cindy Knull said…
WOWZA! Thank you, thank you, thank you, for posting this. Many times I post information about the oppression of women and get very little response. I'm so glad you did this, C. I'm sitting at my computer this morning crying with gratitude. Acts 3:6 of The Holy Bible, Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk."
This can be symbolic of helping women around the world with education, or medical needs or shelter. As a woman I am so blessed to live in a country where I have certain comforts and freedom. I can use my voice and my freedom to holler from the mountain top. Thank you again. We can change the world. We can.
Vee said…
Very cool. It must be a wonderfully satisfying feeling. Have a great week, you two, as you make your final preparations for a blessed Christmas.
Sandra said…
A great idea for gifts, C. It's a blessing that I'm at a time in my life when many on my Christmas list really don't NEED anything. So, these sound like perfect gifts. Thanks for the tip. :)
Joolz said…
I have donated $100 to Ronald McDonald House (McDonalds burger chain provide housing for families whose children are undergoing treatment in hospital from remote areas) and $100 to the Jane McGrath Foundation (the foundation provides breast care nurses to visit and support breast cancer patients) and we have also been to Target and have purchased 3 presents for children who we don't know - a local care agency will distribute the gifts to those families in need before Christmas. I know about that glow that you feel, it's lovely!

Cheers - Joolz
~ stopping by to wish you girls a merry christmas.....

kary and teddy
Wonderful, wonderful words! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. blessings,Kathleen
Vickie said…
WHat great gifts! Why didn't I think of that??? I'm gonna remember this next Christmas or for birthdays...

Hope ya'll had a good holiday. We did - and I feel SOOO blessed to have loved ones around me - so many do not.

I'm glad your puppy-dog perked back up. They are HARD to let go of. I know too well... Hopefully the anemia can be controlled and she'll be around alot longer.

Road trip to Texas, huh? Which part? I know several gals that would love to have a big git-together with you two!!! Send me details and we'll see what we can come up with! Glad you stopped by!
Hi there and thanks for stopping in with an encouraging word! I'm not really visiting much yet because of sitting limitations but I did want to read the post you left a link to from the woman whose house burned down. When I followed the link it led me to an insurance pitch with no blog. Maybe she has a redirect virus. Let me know would you please? Hope you are all blessed in the new year.
Verde Farm said…
Love this post. I so agree with the donating to charitable organizations in honor of others. It just makes sense. I did that this year with sevearl friends and it feels good. Lord knows these organizations are doing good for others that a candle or sweater or necklace can’t do. Thanks for sharing the ideas of the small organizations--love that you chose based on the interests of the friends in your life.
Anonymous said…
God bless you for your selfless giving. Let's remember to give in the "off season," too -- the other 11 months of the year. :) Hope Scout is feeling better. Bella the Chihuahua sends her best wishes for a quick recovery.
Zuzana said…
Stopping by to wish you both girls a wonderful and a very Happy New Year - may 2011 be a lovely and a prosperous one .;)
Great list, thanks for posting. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may the worst of 2011 be from the best of 2010.
Vee said…
Just peeking in...

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