C's sister, "K," works every day with her, and she is known throughout the office for her "persnicketiness" on the subject of coffee vessels...here's her take:

Having coffee is as much about the "experience" as anything; and choosing the correct coffee cup is crucial! When I have a large variety of cups to choose from, I have certain eliminating criteria such as, "too big", "wrong color", "wrong handle", and the worst, "wrong shape, lip thickness, and lip curvature!!!"

I am not a fast coffee drinker, so if the coffee cup is "mug-sized", the coffee gets cold before I can drink it, causing multiple reheats in the microwave!!! This often requires a trip down the hall and is, quite frankly, not worth it.

The perfect coffee cup is, of course, white or at least off white. If the cup is NOT white on the outside, it must at least be white on the inside. Why? the greatest amount of color contrast with the coffee, of course. (this means, the stronger the coffee, the greater the contrast! Mmm...).

You may not think that a handle carries that much weight in this decision, but have you ever been served coffee in a cup that your fingers do not fit into the handle. Or one where you can only squeeze a couple of them in? This makes for a miserable experience. When you pick a coffee cup up with the right shaped handle, you will instinctively know it that it is right. (handle size and shape, however can be superseded by atmosphere, for instance, one would not care about handle shape or size if you were sipping cafe au lait at Cafe DuMonde in New Orleans).

I can drink out of a mug, but don't like the shape of mugs. They are typically straight, up-and-down sort of things. Very bulky. I don't mind a cafe mug too much, because they are very retro/vintage in style - like something you would find from a 50's era diner, but the lip of diner mugs are generally too thick, often causing an embarrassing "slurping" noise. If, however, the lip turns inward even slightly, this can actually cause you to dribble!!! The best shaped lips are the ones that are thin and curved slightly outward toward your mouth, sort of like a perpetual spout around the cup.

Anything less than these criteria would be considered "settling" and diminishes the entire experience. If you are offered coffee in styrofoam, pass it up, because this is an indication of necessity or desperation and does not lend itself to a satisfying coffee experience, even if the company is good! --K


Vickie said…
thank you thank you thank you,I now know I do not have some horrid incurable disease when it comes to my fastidiousness of coffee cup choice-my preferred cup must be fine porcelain or china and must be in the shape of a mug and must be white white inside and the handle needs to be just right too, I have a problem with my arm so this is a critical component in my choice of cup/mugs now.And when I drink tea I like to drink it out of a mug made of glass-ok that's it I've shared maybe a tad too much,cheers Vickie
LOL ahd to laugh my word verification word is _insist
T said…
LMAO! I'm right there with you all!

I did a post along the same idea and thought I would get the "you are crazy" replies. Surprisingly, most people agreed with me.
Zuzana said…
Wow, a very intricate and in depth post about coffee drinking.;) I am very easy, I can drink coffee from anything. But - I can be very particular on the mugs or cups I choose when I relax at home. Then the coffee preparation and drinking are both almost a tranquil ceremony and everything matters.;)
Have a lovely Saturday,
Anonymous said…
I LOVE this! Please don't tell "K" that I will drink my coffee out of ANY vessel that is handy, and -- horror of horrors -- at any temperature. Yes I prefer fresh and hot, but I can also drink cold and not so great. "K" and I are doomed to NEVER drink coffee together!:)
Well, so I am NOT the only one so discriminating about my choice of coffee or tea cup--and yes, it has to do with the feel of the cup in my hand and the way the handle feels! Hubby just looks at me funny! lol Actually, I will drink out of styrofoam if need be, but I absolutely loathe drinking hot coffee out of a plastic mug. Currently, my travel mug is lined with stainless steel. Plastic is bad for you, I am convinced. Don't eat or drink from it! I'm not kidding about this! V.
kath001 said…
VALIDATION! Thank you. I carry this over to drinking glasses too...large capacity, but not so large that you can't wrap your hand around comfortably...perfect rim for lip feel...and really needs to be insulated, even for home use because we are usually so humid, and I hate having the outside dripping.

Nice to feel that I'm in good company in such preferences.
Anonymous said…
Well of course everyone has a preference. Now, they may not admit it. HH was a small straight cup as he only fills it half full and is right next to the coffeemaker so he doesn't have to go far to refresh it, but will not admit he has a favorite cup. However if I ever offered him any other he would turn it down. Now, myself, I like a glass coffee cup. Don't get one if out in a cafe, but that is what I prefer. But love my cuppa.
Jody Blue said…
I'm not a coffee drinker but drink tea and a cappuccino on occasion. You are right the right cup makes the experience.
Vee said…
Well now...that was very interesting. I, on the other hand, love a good mug, but the handle must be right and the feel on the lips must be, too.
KathyB. said…
Yes! I have discovered my perfect cup for coffee drinking does indeed affect the coffee experience...and plastic is a no-no for sure! I don't like my coffee in BIG chunky mugs either. And isn't the best coffee experience one with the best food smells wafting around while the coffee cup clinks just- so during conversation with a beloved friend or reading the Sunday morning paper!

And don't forget, it has to be GOOD coffee~
Anonymous said…
Oh, I have these tall mugs that a potter friend made a gift for me. Very tall, big and broad on the bottom, but getting narrow at the top so the coffee doesn't get cold with a very thin lip... and my hand slips under the handle like it was made for me.
Well...it was made just for me, wasn't it?
thank you on the coffee cup essay. i totally agree!
Michelle said…
This is quite a funny post, but so true. I have my favorite mugs and I hate to drink out of plastic or styrofoam.
Great post! I have smiled my way through this post. Very in-depth look at the coffee-drinking experience. I don't drink coffee, but do agree that different vessels and utensils make a huge difference in any dining/drinking experience! Thanks for the laughs.
jan said…
Great post! I use the same vessel for all my coffee drinking at home and at work. For tea, though, I am less particular!
Jim F Loos said…
So ture, I have been stuck with the same mug for the last five years. My sister gave it to me for Christmas and two years ago the handle broke off, I still use that mug. It's perfect and the coffee is better.
I love coffee and I also think it tastes so much better in the right coffee cup. However, I do not refuse coffee even from styrofoam, it that is all there is! Enjoyed reading. blessings,Kathleen
I wish I wasn't but I am IN LOVE with a Starbucks white cup and plastic lid. Love the little sleeve around the cup, too. And here I sit surrounded by bone china coffee cups and tea cups! I am a Cretin. So said, so noted.

But I am WITH you on the styrofoam. It's simply wrong on too many fronts!
Vickie said…
Totally agree. It's all about the experience. If the cup's not right, I'd just as soon not drink coffee.

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