Bet you thought this was going to be about some “ah-ha” moment in my life where I realized what is important versus the “little things.” Or where I finally understand how to juggle my busy workload and social life and home upkeep (which usually fall in exactly that order). Not so! This post is, rather, about the no-small-thing topic of striking the right mix of bed linens, a topic that is on my mind on these cold winter mornings.
Bed linens (We call 'em “covers” in the South) are a big issue with me. I CANNOT sleep without the right ones. Do you know people who can sleep atop all bedding? You know, on a hot summer night, they lie exposed to the world with nary a sheet covering them? Are you one of them? Not me, I can tell you right now. I simply do not un

So, while I may not make my bed every morning, I make certain to have the right mix of covers for maximum comfort...and safety.
In the summertime, I use a light quilt. I must have some weight on me--a sheet really does not suffice (remember, we are guarding ourselves through the night...and through suspended consciousness). I find that even if I don't shove the air

But winter is when the cover mix becomes really important. You want a bed that will keep you cozy warm, but still weight is an issue--not too much, not too thick! The reason I am writing this now is because I woke up this morning realizing that my bed is "heaven" on this cold morning because I have struck just the right balance. Which, I guess, does make this an "aha" moment post after all...
Many of you out there might like the down comforter. In fact, I have seen some talk, with a "sniff," about their expensive down comforters as if it is the zenith of somnolence.

For me, however, the key is layering. First, there are the sheets. I really treat myself to sheets--no skimping here. These are 600 thread count, and they are divine. They are the foundation for comfortable covers in my book. It sounds decadent, but you'd be surprised how reasonably-priced they can be if you keep your eyes peeled throughout the year. I have found great deals on great sheets at Sam's and Tuesday Morning, to mention a few places.
After the top sheet goes on, then I use a thin cotton quilt. Then, on top of this, is another thin quilted coverlet--the one I use as my decorative bed cover. Then, finally, I fold up another thin quilt across the foot of the bed in case I get chilly in the night.
This is sufficient, but not too much weight, and, with a cute pair of sleep socks (which come off about a third of the way through the night) I never get cold, even though I keep the thermostate at 66 during the night! See? Balance!
I'm so happy about this, that I made my bed this morning!! It is so very deserving, after all! Here ya' go--bed made but otherwise unstaged...as I look at this picture, I'd tidy up that night stand...nah! Take me as I am!

Okay, now that I've revealed one of my idiosyncracies, what is your sleep silliness? C
PS - I have to mention, too, the importance of mattress. Last spring, after finding that wayward Hubby, ahem, "visited" my old mattress with his new friend (what kind of woman does that, anway? Never mind...), I decided a switch was in order. I bought myself a spare-no-expense wonderful pillow top mattress. It is so snuggly and comfortable, that I find myself thinking of it during the day. In fairness, it must be said, my mother and MIL, when they have slept over and used the other side of this mattress, have complained because they can't turn over on it because of the pillow top. I, however, have no such complaints. It's wonderful!
PSS - And now I find myself "tee-heeing" to think that I have the nerve to publish this on the worldwide web like someone really cares what C does to have a good night's sleep! But, here's the thing: as I wrote this morning, I was thinking "Wonder what sleep habits I'm going to discover in the comments?" Such is the world of blogging.
I must disagree with you about the sock thing though. I can't sleep with anything on my feet! In fact, I generally start out the night with on foot out of the covers - no joke.
I hear ya on the covers thing. (I say covers, too) A little weight is okay. Not too much. I don't sleep with socks. They bug me and I usually wind up getting hot. My feet are my temperature guage. If I get hot during the night, I stick my feet out or just drape the covers over my mid-section.
My little quirk here is that I cannot have an arm or leg or foot hanging off the edge of the bed. There is no Dracula, but there are monsters under the bed (haha) that will cut your limb off if it's not completely ON the bed. Up to the edge but No hanging over. I'm at that time in my life that I overheat quickly so a sheet is OK with me on alot of nights - 'specially in the summer.
Hubby on the other hand, is cold-natured. He loves heaps of covers and he gets so warm I have to scoot away. Also gotta have that huge giant BOX fan. I guess it's for noise. My kids have box fans, too. I think we own like 9-10. ha!
I must have covers (I'm a Texan!). I can't have anything danglin' out either. NO WAY!!
Enjoyed my first visit.
Flannel in the winter. The electric blanket over that, the thick cotton blanket on top. I have fibromyalgia and that electric blanket makes a huge difference in a good night's sleep for me. Funny, because I never wanted one when I was young.
And this is going to sound ... slatternly to some but I can't sleep well on sheets after they've been on the bed a week. They get all stretched out and gross.
Years ago I read that Jacqueline Kennedy had to had fresh sheets every time she slept. This was quite a burden on the White House maids because they had to change her sheets twice a day (she took an afternoon nap).
Now that I think about it, she may've had the sheets changed so often because of the same reason you changed your mattress.
That was outrageous of he who shall remain nameless and you were perfectly correct in buying a new mattress. I only hope it comes out of his part of the settlement.
Did you ever read "True Grit" by Charles Portis? Mattie Ross has to sleep without any cover over her in Fort Smith and gets a cold. Of course (being Mattie) she does a rant on sleeping without covers even in the summer.
Winter time, we have a thicker quilt and a nice thick blanket for really cold nights. I wear bedsocks sometimes.
I do have a ritual - I wash my feet with a hot flannel just before hopping into bed, even if I've had socks on. I like to use Body Shop peppermint foot spray too. I have lavender spray for my pillow too and that sends me off to dream land. Funny, huh?
Ha ha, I never really put that into writing but it is how I feel, and logic will never, ever enter into this , and how on earth has 'T' managed to keep her foot with it hanging sans sock outside the covers and horrors, over the bed? I am surprised she does not know about monsters just waiting for feet to dangle naked over the bed.
This is a post subject worth pursuing because I perceive many of us have the same good sense regarding this topic,and many do not~ a public safety warning needs to be issued for all those ignorant people who disregard the danger of night visiting monsters.
My real addiction though is my buckwheat hull pillows. They go everywhere with me - I walk through the airport carrying one. I don't leave home without it.
Because of the climate, I have to have a certain amount of covers when I sleep. However, when it comes to "sleeping" clothes, not so much at all.;)
Have a great Friday,
Regarding bedding: Summer and winter we have high-count sheets, a thin cotton woven blanket and a lightweight but thick duvet. A combination adjustable for all seasons, with a foot or two stuck out the edge if necessary to get the temperature just right!
In the summer the overhead fan on low is heaven, for the breeze AND the sound.
To me, the secret to a perfect night's sleep is a quiet, pitch black, cool room.
Re. sleepwear. Many years ago a very stylish woman in a group conversation I was in said she wore an old t-shirt to sleep in. I had never thought of that as an option, but I immediately tried it! Ever since then I have slept in old t-shirts and knit shorts. I like the idea of never being "caught in your nightclothes" if there is an emergency. (And being married to a policeman and having had teenagers, we have had LOTS of emergencies in the middle of the night over the years!)
btw, did you know that after a cotton t-shirt has been washed about 1,000 times it takes on the feel of silk? Soft as "butta" I tell you!
A fun post, C. And I really enjoyed reading the comments!