C's sister, "K," works every day with her, and she is known throughout the office for her "persnicketiness" on the subject of coffee vessels...here's her take:

Having coffee is as much about the "experience" as anything; and choosing the correct coffee cup is crucial! When I have a large variety of cups to choose from, I have certain eliminating criteria such as, "too big", "wrong color", "wrong handle", and the worst, "wrong shape, lip thickness, and lip curvature!!!"
I am not a fast coffee drinker, so if the coffee cup is "mug-sized", the coffee gets cold before I can drink it, causing multiple reheats in the microwave!!! This often requires a trip down the hall and is, quite frankly, not worth it.
The perfect coffee cup is, of course, white or at least off white. If the cup is NOT white on the outside, it must at least be white on the inside. Why? the greatest amount of color contrast with the coffee, of course. (this means, the stronger the coffee, the greater the contrast!

You may not think that a handle carries that much weight in this decision, but have you ever been served coffee in a cup that your fingers do not fit into the handle. Or one where you can only squeeze a couple of them in? This makes for a miserable experience. When you pick a coffee cup up with the right shaped handle, you will instinctively know it that it is right. (handle size and shape, however can be superseded by atmosphere, for instance, one would not care about handle shape or size i

I can drink out of a mug, but don't like the shape of mugs. They are typically straight, up-and-down sort of things. Very bulky. I don't mind a

Anything less than these criteria would be considered "settlin

LOL ahd to laugh my word verification word is _insist
I did a post along the same idea and thought I would get the "you are crazy" replies. Surprisingly, most people agreed with me.
Have a lovely Saturday,
Nice to feel that I'm in good company in such preferences.
And don't forget, it has to be GOOD coffee~
Well...it was made just for me, wasn't it?
But I am WITH you on the styrofoam. It's simply wrong on too many fronts!