C: About to Embark.....!!!!

Well, we're in the last days of the countdown to our trip. I have decided not to call it "vacation," but rather "suspension of reality," for that is what we hope for. V and I both need a dose of fantasy for a while, and we intend on self-indulgence to the max.

We are taking the laptop and cameras and hope to be posting often from our trip (we'll see...). We are excited about the dimension that our blogging offers us. It gives us a great opportunity to share our adventure--and adventures are always best shared.

I think we are both having some angst about leaving--does anyone go away for a trip without worrying that she has not covered all the bases or that something dreadful will happen while she is away? My worry is the former: Have I written all the letters that need sending; made all the phone calls that need making; drafted all the pleadings that have to go out? My desk is a nightmare right now; something like this picture.

V worries about her ailing daughter and grandchildren. But, deep down, we both know we aren't all that indispensable to those whom we leave behind, and I have faith that we will both return rested and ready to better take on our challenges after the respite. And we are both anticipating a great adventure. I told V that it is going to be "Thelma and Louise," but without the law-breakng, and with a happy ending!

And we are both in the throes of packing I have already overpacked and am starting to remove things that I know are just r.i.d.i.c.u.l.o.u.s to take, and still I fear I am leaving something behind. But that always--always--works out. What I don't have with me I'll either make do without or find it on the trip.

Thanks to those of you who voted for my wood man question. Laura had the right answer, I think, although she was in the minority. She's a single country girl for sure. Her take was that this guy might just be a little desperate, and I finally figured that one out. My son met him, and he stacked a beautiful load of firewood on my utility porch. Son says he's every bit the character I thought he might be. Laura is right, though, I do think he is a good resource for my firewood needs, and I thank my neighbor, midlife country girl for the referral. He's just a little challenged in the social boundary area.

Anyway, we're going to be thinking of you all while we are on this (picture of our actual ship, taken on last year's cruise with MIL):

And we hope to prove it in our posts! C

PS - I have to say that V and both wince in thinking of the juxtaposition of our lap-of-luxury week being played out on the same ocean that holds the Haitian suffering. It's not a pretty picture in my mind to think of a view over Haiti with our cruise ship on the horizon. My son soothes, saying that the two are not connected and, he's right, this trip has long been paid for on the easy-pay plan and far in advance of the earthquake disaster. Still...


Anita said…
Hey girls! You go and have yourselves a great time. Think of all the positives..you've paid for the trip, waited for the trip, worked hard for the trip and you deserve the trip. I love the photo of the 2 cruisers near the jetty. Have the best time. Kind regards, Anita.
Anonymous said…
Wishing you both a Happy Vacation.
Kathleen said…
You're going to have a blast. Once you're on board, you'll be on board!

By the way, you will never look at meals in quite the same way again.

Suzanne said…
Have a great time. Don't worry about anything... everybody will take care of things at home. Have fun. Have a tropical drink for me, OK?

I'll be happy, sitting here on the frozen tundra, to experience the trip through your eyes.

Vee said…
No guilt! Please not one drop...
Enjoy every precious moment of getting ready, departing, sailing, enjoy it all. Thank goodness someone is going on a trip so I can go along and on their dime. :D
Zuzana said…
Oh, I so envy you! A cruise! I have never been on one, I mean I have been on ferries and ships, but only to cross sounds to reach the continent. To go on a cruise is my dream.;)
As for worrying, I am the same and as for packing, I always bring way too much.
Enjoy your trip, I look forward to cool updates.;)
Sumandebray said…
Bon Voyage..
Have a great time... have the time of your life.
You girls go and have a great time together...i feel the same about leaving..i usually end up crying as i walk out the door...don't tell anybody....enjoy your time in vactionland and come back refreshed..

can't wait to see the pictures....

safe travels, dear ones

Joy said…
Looking forward to hearing from you while on the 'high seas'. I'm too chicken to board a boat--afraid of deep water. Thanks for following my blog--- will take a look around here. I have a friend that we have been friends since we were 10 years old--we are now 56! I've been enjoying your mother's blog also!
Joy said…
Oh, and I used to ride a stick horse as a youngster... I'd fly around the house at dusk so fast I thought for sure I was going to go airborne! I truly thought I rode faster in the dark. Oh, and I've been through that divorce thing myself. Not fun at all.
KathyB. said…
Oh..go ahead, enjoy yourselves to the max! I completely understand all of what you just wrote regarding the angst of leaving for a while, but as your son said, it is paid for...go enjoy! And lest you wallow in guilt just remember all that false guilt will just make this trip a bit miserable for you and what would it accomplish for those you sympathize with in Haiti? And then all the money and time ( and angst ) spent on the trip will have been a waste~You can pray for them, even on a ship far away from home :) Bless you and Bon Voyage!
Leslie said…
I love the term "suspension of reality", I realized that I have tried to get just that on every vacation I have gone on. I hope it is all that and more for you both. I look forward to hearing all about the adventure. No guilt, no worry and Bon Voyage!
Malinda said…
Since we can't all go on vacay at the same time, we (all of us back at our homes) are counting on you to have the umbrella drinks and adventures for us. You can blog when you get back if you are having too much fun. Make every minute count!
Anonymous said…
Have a couple of drinks for me. I love a cruise. You have earned this trip and time to refresh so that you can do your thing where you are planted. Life cannot stop for eveyone. Haiti is being given all the help that they can use and I pray they will be able to recover. I heard last night one of the doctor's said, they will be know as the country of amputations.
C you and V have a great trip and just pamper your self to the hilt!! The facials are great and the massages! You deserve this wonderful break, a cruise is a for real vacation, hope your laptop works if not they have some on the ship, cannot wait for pics!!! be blessed my dear friend and enjoy life!
I know you are going to have a wonderful time! I read the other day that some of the cruise ships are taking supplies to Haiti while passengers are on board, so you may be doing the Haitians a favor! Can't wait to see pictures. laurie
have a wonderful and restful trip!
How wonderful. Get away and leave your worries behind! Have a wonderful time! blessings,Kathleen
Joy said…
I can tell you're getting pretty exciting about your upcoming adventure! Lyle Lovitt--so funny. Wasn't he married to Julia Roberts for a few moments?? Can you imagine?
They were the quintessential "odd couple" weren't they? I DO love Lyle Lovett's singing! V.
Tanna said…
Bon Voyage, C & V!!! Wishing all the best of the Thelma and Louise adventure and none of the bad!!!
Anonymous said…
Hi C
You go and have a well needed and deserved vacation. Every thing will
be alright here I will check on K every day and you know I will be watching out for your house.
If you think of any thing I need to do just e-mail me.
Your neighbor
Vickie said…
Bon voyage, girlies! Wish I was going on a Thelma & Louise trip, too! Spare no expense, turn no food down, have an absolute ball! You can blog if you want, but it might be good to just relax! No pressure - we'll hear all about the trip when ya'll get back! Have a great trip - Vickie
Michelle said…
Wishing you guys an awesome trip.
Anonymous said…
I hope you are both having a wonderful time, friends! Be sure to take lots of pictures and keep lots of notes, so that you can tell us alllll about it when you get back!
KathySue said…
Vacations...so necessary to incorporate into our lives. They not only offer a break from the routines of life they offer an infusion of new sensory experiences. Just think of the new sights, sounds, smells...new people! Can't wait to hear about the "adventure".

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