C: Rock ‘n’ Roll Wisdom
I am a baby-boomer/sixties-to-eighties-rock-lovin’ old person. I am sitting at the computer listening to my Pandora “Dire Straits” Station. (I have an opera station, too, so don’t judge me too harshly). Along came the old Journey hit, “ Don’t Stop Believing .” It made me think of a post— inspiration ! You just never know how the Muse will strike, right? Journey said: She Took the Midnight Train Goin’ Anywhere Wow . These lyrics made me think about advice I wish young women everywhere would heed. It is advice borne of my longish life, tinged with sorrow now softened, and of my very-long work as a divorce lawyer. Ahhhhh , if only they would listen to me. As I age I am learning the importance of living life intentionally…making conscious decisions about what I like, what I want from life, how I want to live it. So many of us, women especially (hang with me, here), just drift through days, taking life’s midnight train to anywhere....