Cowgirl V: Welcome Summer and Chasing the Wild Horses of Sable Island


Summertime is here


Hello, first day of summer!  You are welcomed as a long lost friend.  I love your blue skies, fragrant flowers, fresh, colorful fruits and vegetables, and—SUNSHINE!  After a long, dreary Spring, I look forward to the end of the school year.  I work at a public high school, so I really cherish having  time to putter around the house tending to long neglected chores, working in my garden, visiting friends –I love it all!  If only I could get to the beach!!!  It’s not in the cards this year!  Maybe a little trip to the hills of northern Arkansas if I’m lucky!


the beach


I did a little shopping today—scored a couple of  bargains at T. J. Maxx—I bought some Sketcher slip on shoes and sparkly starfish earrings—it must have something to do with my wistful longing for the beach!!!

  I ran a few errands in preparation for my trip to Alabama later this week to visit my mother.  She will be moving soon to a dementia unit where she will get more individualized care as the Alzheimer’s Disease progresses.  My oldest daughter and her family will go with us to visit Grandma, so my sister is going to be deluged with house visitors!  We will make some time for fun!


T. J. Maxx


I stumbled upon a great site earlier this evening that I wanted to share.  I found it via  The June 20th post features the Samuel Owen Gallery in Greenwich, CT. and their current exhibit of Romanian photographer, Roberto Dutesco.  For 14 years, Dutesco has been photographing the wild horses of Sable Island off the coast of Nova Scotia.  The exhibit is:  Chasing the Wild by Roberto Dutesco  I hope some (ALL) of you will take the time to follow the link and watch the short video because it is so beautiful and amazing! 

map showing sable island


Just look at these AWESOME photographs!


two horses at sable island



wild horses of sable island by roberto dutesco


Hubby got some new lenses for his camera for Father’s Day!  I’m sending him over to Belgian Meadows farm (where son got married almost two years ago), to photograph the magnificent horses there!  They may not be Dutesco photographs of the wild horses of Sable Island, but they will be amazing to me!


Zuzana said…
Oh what a GREAT post!
I love summer too, being a summer child I relish in its abundance, light and warmth.
So far June has not been very nice weather wise, but hopefully July will bring the heat back.;)
I used to love shopping at TJ Max when I lived in NC.;)
And wow, those images of horses are stunning! I can not believe these are photographs, they look like paintings. I used to be an avid rider and as a teenager I simply adored horses and drew and painted then at any chance I got.
Have a lovely trip to Alabama and enjoy staying with your family, even though the purpose of the trip is less joyful...
And thank you for your very kind recent comment.;)
Just beautiful! And Since I'm in CT, I might get over there to see the exhibit! ....
Lila Rostenberg said…
Enjoy your summer!
I love TJ Maxx too...but don't like their new check out line system....though it is fair!

thanks for coming by to see the twins!
HappyK said…
I'm glad to have summer here too, but I sure did enjoy spring. : )
Have a nice time with your family.
Vickie said…
Wow, what beautiful photos. I absolutely love horses more than just about anything is this world. They are beautiful magnificent animals - the most beautiful that the good Lord ever made. I love these horses in their wildness. Wow - sorry I'm gushing...

Hope you have a good trip to Alabama - sorry about your mom - we're going through that, too, with my MIL. It's hard to say the least...

Great post! Thanks for sharing this link - amazing!
kath001 said…
Amazing photos. Hope your trip is a safe one, and that your time with your mother is a blessing for all.

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