C: Pink Eye…Again!

Sorry for the gross picture, but it really is this bad.  If you’ve read our blog for a while, you may have noticed that this is the pink eye THIRD post I’ve done on pink eye.  The first one in October 2008 was a really miserable time (surely one of the whiniest posts I’ve ever written, but with reason).  I mentioned another attack again in September of last year.  And here I am again with a case that broke out in my left eye—usually my left—this past Thursday.

Don’t you think that’s just too often?

I’ve been to the doctor with it in the past and am told that my particular version is viral.  Therefore, I wait it out.  All we can do.  If it were the gooey bacterial version, they could give me something for it.

This has happened, yet again, when work is almost overwhelming.  I have mentioned this to my doctor in the past, but he just look at me blankly (I can just see he is sighing inside at my layman’s theory).  I truly believe that there is this pink eye virus (Google says its the same as the common cold) that pops out when I weakened by fatigue or stress.  Is that possible?

The thing I love about pink eye most (besides the pain and itching, of course) is that it so darned attractive.  On Friday I had depositions slated and when I woke up on Thursday with a ragingly red eye and with tears streaming down my left cheek (no chance to keep much makeup on that side of my face), I sent out a warning e mail to the other lawyer and the court reporter.  I did not want tpurellhem to be frightened at first sight or to think me rude for not shaking hands.

I have learned just to go about my business with this infirmity, and so it  was on Friday.  We just carried on with a giant pump bottle of Purell in the middle of the conference table.

My reputation for having pink-eye often is fairly widespread.  A couple of months ago—when I was healthy and no sign of red eyes—I was in one judge’s chambers with other lawyers passing some kaleidoscopetime.  I spied a beautiful Kaleidoscope on the judge’s desk and reached for it excitedly.

Oh, no you don’t!” his honor said, “Anyone else in this room is free to look, but you don’t ever get to use my Kaleidoscope!”

I was stunned.  This judge and I are old friends and I told him how this offended me.

No offense intended, C, but you’ve been in here more than once with pink-eye, and I’m not taking any chances…” 

I had to admit that he had a point.

It will pass in a few days, and I will have to suffer the cost of replacing all my mascara and eyeliner to be sure there is no re-infection. 

I’m just wondering about my fatigue/stress theory.Anyone else out there have this experience? C


That looks really painful!! But I think you're right, it could be stress related, and just the bacteria on your hands when or if you rub your eyes. I hope it clears up soon, and find some good deals on new make up--I know how that adds up! :-)
Vee said…
Oh that's awful, C. I didn't realize that one could have a viral form of this. I have a great medication that I have always used and it takes care of it immediately. Gantrisin or something, but you're telling me that it won't work unless it's bacterial. I'd ask them to humor me. Let's just put it to the test. I do think you may have a point about the stress. I know that the cold sores flare up when I'm stressed.
Cathy said…
I'm surprised the doctor didn't know that. I used to get pink eye often as a teen and the doctor would always ask me if I was under stress. He said like cold sores, pink eye seems to flare up in people under physical and/or mental stress.
KathyB. said…
I think your theory is right. Stress and fatigue do play a very big part in our health and ability to fight off all sorts of ailments. I have noticed when I am fatigued and depressed my body seems to be easily overwhelmed by colds, allergies, skin infections.Maybe this means you should be able to write off a relaxing spa day or cruise, you know ... for your health and especially the dreaded and ugly pink-eye!

I hope you are on the mend and bright-eyed and bushy-tailed soon. You are needed in court because you give a **** about the important things in life.
HappyK said…
I also agree that stress can be a trigger.
My eye waters up when I look at the picture.
Hope it clears up quickly!!
Panamamama said…
So glad I'm not the only one. I get pinkeye if you say pinkeye (uh oh.) and the doctor always says "Grown ups don't get pink eye." Ha. I like the Hyland homeopathic pinkeye medicine. If I feel it coming on I use it and it goes away quickly. Also rubbing alcohol to clean doorknobs works great.
I for one do think it can be caused by stress and fatigue, so the only way to know for sure, is take some time off, let your eyes rest:) lets see what happens:) now if you can not do that, which you probably can not:( then call Ann's health food on Hwy 107 and ask her what you can do to get rid of it, bet she knows:)) but a vacation sounds good to me!
Viral pink eye

The leading cause of a red, inflamed eye is virus infection. Adenoviruses are the type of virus that are most commonly responsible for the infection. Viral pink eye symptoms are usually associated with more of a watery discharge that is not green or yellow in color. Often, viral "cold-like" symptoms, such as sinus congestion and runny nose, are also present. The eyelids may be swollen. Sometimes looking at bright lights is painful.

While viral pink eye may not require an antibiotic, those affected should see a doctor, as occasionally this form of pink eye can be associated with infection of the cornea (the clear portion of the front of the eyeball). This infection must be correctly detected and treated. Viral pink eye is highly contagious. The symptoms of viral pink eye can last one to two weeks. Symptoms are pronounced for the first three to five days after symptoms appear, with slow resolution over the following one to two weeks.

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