C: Monday Funny

Alright, as a woman whose husband left her for someone 28 years younger, I know I have a bit of an axe to grind on this one, but I laughed so hard when I happened onto this.  V was over last night, and she thought it was funny, too.  So, here’s a little video that caused me to laugh:

Did you laugh, too?  Hope your Monday is a good one…I’m off to a BUSY one!  C


HappyK said…
Yes, I did.
A happy Monday to you.
Anonymous said…
Yes, that was funny!! Loved it!
Lila Rostenberg said…
Yes, he made me laugh!
thanks for posting this!
Vickie said…
OH MY GOODNESS! C, this made me laugh so hard I now have to go repair my makeup for work! Love it - will send this to my sis - her man done her wrong, too. When he gets real sick, he STILL will call her up sometimes!!! Low-life bottom-dweller.....
i laughed too, i suppose it could be the same if a young guy liked you too right? lol...
Sandra said…
Hilarious! I really enjoyed it and I can understand why you did. :)
Jody Blue said…
That was good humor! It is probably more true than not:)
Vee said…
Oh, yes, I did. Thanks!
kath001 said…
So funny...and TRUE!
That brightened my day.....I hadn't heard of sinbad? but he is one funny man...

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