C: Dry Spells

writerblock Who knows where this post will meander.  I sit to write, but I have no idea where I’m going; I just want to write. 

Do you do that?  Ah, I see now where I’m headed…I want to know about your writing rhythms.  And share about the stumbles in mine.

I read all these wonderful blogs, and it seems like everyone has something to say all the time.  Maybe my life just isn’t all that interesting.  Pretty routine, actually…

I realize this is all an illusion…that the pauses between writings of others are not so noticeable to me as my own, naturally.  And some of you will occasionally announce a hiatus from writing.  Those are encouragement for me—sad, because I miss some of you who temporarily suspend writing, but encouraging for the thought that you, too, have moments of no words.

MIL is discouraged about her own writing.  Immigrant Daughter has given her a lot of joy in sharing with her family and others about her life.  Now she is in a bit of a funk, and last night confessed that she has been working several days on one post that just doesn’t seem to want to come out.

Me, too.

I think that MIL’s problem is one of a bit of depression.  She is not one to give in to this, stalwart that she is, but this is the month of the third anniversary of her husband’s death.  I think those memories just seem to overshadow everything.

But, just yesterday I stepped out to a morning with a bit of a nip in the air.  It was not really cool, just coolish.  There was a noticeable difference that signaled the turning of the season.   The day brought temperatures in the 90’s again to keep us aware that it is still August, but that initial nip was a harbinger of fall after an extremely hot summer.

And tomorrow is September!  For some reason I think this turn in the calendar may be a turn upwards for those of here struggling to write!

We have a long Labor Day Weekend approaching, and it will be quiet here.  MIL and I have already planned a movie date.  Son has been out of town on business most of the last two weeks.  He and I are looking forward to putzing around the house and getting caught up on a few chores—at a leisurely pace. And I will look forward to reading all your posts about Labor Day cookouts and fun times with families…I promise not to bore you with details of my chores.

So, do you have a magic cure for writer’s block?  I’d love to have it…and share with MIL.  C

PS – not to worry—you know that I am never at a loss for words for very long…I’m sure another rant is just around the corner.


KathyB. said…
Your Labor Day sounds like ours, just trying to get some needful things done.I like weekends like that, and am looking forward to it. Rare for us really,a weekend to stay put, and precious. I hope your Labor day weekend is a good time even if it is quiet and ordinary.
Diana Ferguson said…
Bring on September!!!! I am ready.
Vee said…
I'm smiling as I read this. I think that the standard response is to keep writing no matter what, but I have been known to break that rule often. Your mil is probably trying to write her way through this challenging time just as you suggest, but I would suggest something even more difficult. "Go there." Go to the place where your heart will break and tell that story. It will be liberating and it will bless so many.

Oh, one last thing, some of my favorite bloggers write about the ordinary, everyday things of life. For those of us who enjoy a simple life, it's mighty good reading.
i keep writers block at bay by doing a post on a photo prompt via magpie tales or a word prompt via theme thursday. they are both on my sidebar if you want the link.
Ayak said…
I often feel I have nothing of interest to write about, but then I do seem to have acquired a habit of blog-planning in my head when I'm doing something else, or when I'm out and about. It's kind of like writing a diary..which I used to do as a child. I can remember that if something happened during the day, I would immediately think I must remember to write it in my diary. Blogging seems to have taken over from the diary.
HappyK said…
My blog is just a journal so I just write about my days. Sometimes I wonder why anyone would even want to read it. My life is pretty ordinary but I do enjoy it.
Zuzana said…
I have dry spells too.;) I feel the same as you, I feel others always come up with absolutely great topics.;) When I hit a dry spell, I write about nature. I have seen that others do very well with random thoughts, just like you did today.;)) Always enjoy my visits here.;)
Jody Blue said…
Don't think I'm an official writer but I do have those times when even a comment on facebook doesn't want to formulate. I write a memory that is special, those I know and just add to the facts, it works sometimes.
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