Cowgirl "V": He' Here!!!

My big announcement!!!   Jack Wyatt H---- is here! He was born at 11:33 Saturday, October 17th, 2009 with anxious, excited extended family mostly present. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 1 oz, 20 1/2" long--and VERY handsome! My computer still has virus on it so posting is a hassle, but hopefully I can share these photographs!


My daughter's labor started shortly after midnight and Jack was born with no complications, healthy and handsome!  We are grateful that family and friends were present to welcome baby Jack! 

New Mother:  Her life will never be the same.  It will be better!

Proud new dad with his newborn son.

I've spent the last week at my daughter's home helping her with laundry, housework and taking care of the new baby.  They are doing very well, although everyone is pretty exhausted--including me!!! Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers.  They are much appreciated!  V.


jan said…
Congratulations to all! He is beautiful!
Mama said…
perfect boy, perfect name. Congrats!
Vickie said…
oh my how wonderful for you all, your absence is excused for this marvelous event-congrats too all,cheers Vickie
carla said…
Absolutely precious. Thanks for sharing the photos and the news.
Vickie said…
CONGRATULATIONS to all of you V! What a sweet little family! And I love that name. God bless the new family with love, health, and all things good!
Iron Needles said…
Many congrats to everyone involved! And your judgment if flawless. He is a beautiful baby!
Kathleen said…
Absolutely beautiful! Congratulations.

Looks like you'll have to add another stick-horse to the family collection for this little guy.

Michelle said…
How excellent! Congrats to all!
Threeblindsheep said…
Thanks for sharing the pictures of the handsome new edition!
Anonymous said…
V congratulations to all the family. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Yep that take precedence over blogging. Your live will be changed too, of course. It will be better.
Chris H said…
Congrats on the birth of your new grandson. Newborns are soooo very special.
Anonymous said…
So nice to see photos of the new family, V. What a special time for all of you. And he IS beautiful! :)

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