Stickhorse Cowgirl "V": A True Horror Story

I've been meaning to write this story for a long time, but to be truthful, the whole story with all the disturbing memories gives me a major case of the willies, because it involves someone who was a part of our family for several years. Sometime in 1956, my paternal grandmother married a 60 yr. old batchelor against my father's wishes. In fact, my grandmother did not even announce the event until it was over because I'm sure she knew my dad would object. He did not "hate" my grandmother's new husband, and there was always a polite, cordial relationship on the surface, but Mr. Cooper was more than just a little strange. This old newspaper clipping was the public announcement of this marriage. Mr. Cooper was dignified and refined in manner with a somewhat austere countenance. He was also impeccable in dress and I especially remember that he always seemed to be "dressed up" and he wore long silky black socks that se...