C: Don't Forget Him...He's Ours

I'm pretty sick this morning thinking about our soldier, Bowe Bergdahl, 23 years old, in the hands of some scary people--because he is in service to us.
I just can't resist writing this to say to whomever reads it:.

I can't imagine what he might be going through over there in Afghanistan, but even if he is well-treated, his fear must be enormous. And just think, too, of his family. It is such a desperate situation. C
When Gunny was stationed off the coast of Samolia on a ship, "Blackhawk Down" happened and the bodies of some young Marines were dragged through the streets -- and THEY SHOWED IT ON THE NEWS!! (I'm glad that that has changed some -- I know at least Fox isn't showing the video of Bowe -- we really don't need to see it, and I don't want to give the terrorists any of the publicity that they crave.) Anyway, even though I knew that Gunny was on that ship, when I saw that one of those young men was about Gunny's size with blonde hair like Gunny, it literally made me sick to my stomach.
That is what those cowards want -- to make us sick enough to our stomachs that we will give up and let them beat us! I thank God for all our military, like Bowe, who protect us.
BTW, I loved the post about your grandmother. She had such a kind face even after all her hardships.
I can tell you that everything has a yellow ribbon wrapped around it for him. There was a candle vigil held the other night.
So many prayers. We have to have faith that they will help bring this young man home alive.
It's such a sad way for all of us to be reminded that there really is a war going on.