C: Farm Progress Report (continuing saga)

Here's the newest report, continuing from my post below about my mother-in-law's move back to my home:

Yet again a new experience! I have now overseen the installation of a utility pole! I had NOTHING to do with the technical part, mind you, but just the being around and part of the planning part of this endeavor is life-expanding! (See utility pole in pix below!)

My mother-in-law and I were in contact by telephone a couple of times today to discuss voltage (?) of the pump for the well, placement of outside faucets and electrical outlets and the purchase of her shed.

It is exciting to see the place take shape. We still have to arrange the installation of the underpining and the construction of porches, but it's getting there.

A neighbor on the hill behind us heard today about my mother-in-law's return (I mean, the mobile home is in full view from the road!) Our neighbor offered to come down "when she is settled" and bring plants to help her put in around her place. This neighbor has a real green thumb, and my mother-in-law is as excited about the prospect of a friend to putter with as she is the promised gifts of plantings.

The heat was up today--93 degrees, already, with a heat index of 100! All our major efforts will have to be planned in the cooler part of the evenings. When I spoke to her, I mentioned the heat, reminding her that she is, once again, moving south. She assured me that she is prepared for it--air conditioner through the heat of the day!

All-in-all things are shaping up, and we remain excited. We have many plans which I won't mention now for fear of looking back over these posts and seeing projects we never got to. Better to take our time; a day at a time. Will keep you posted! --C


Vickie said…
Hey, I'm rootin' for you and your MIL. It's so nice to hear about your love for each other in spite of the circumstances. I have a wonderful MIL, too, and I love her to death. I hope you two get things all settled and get her there. And I hope that she has some good healthy years left and that her son willl patch things up with her and his family. Surely he will come to his senses and see that all the rest of his family is right, and HE's the one that is in the wrong. Good luck to you all. RAH RAH RAH - YOU CAN DO IT!!!
Anonymous said…
Hello, this is my first visit to your site. Keep up the good work on the homestead. Yes, you can do it. I have only read two post as I have to get ready for work. If you are in the state of Florida you Husband forfiets everything as it is illegal to have an affair if married. That means in court the judge learns of the affair and you will be awareded everything and he will have to pay. Find a lawyer and let him know of the tart and what your husband did and how your being treated. Don't take your husbands sin and breaking of the law sitting down.

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