V: Dog Days of Summer



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Now that I’m enjoying my summer break from work, I’ve decided to tackle the never ending “To Do” list.  First on my list was getting the two youngest pups neutered or as we say around here --“fixed”.  Somehow I have acquired two dogs who I did not intend to ever have living at my house!  Son is living at his sister’s farm in a travel trailer and with their seven dogs, it just wasn’t going to work.  So we have his  beagle and coonhound in our backyard.  Youngest daughter and grandson have moved to an apartment, so for now at least, little Desi is staying here.  Fortunately, I discovered that we have a local group that offers low cost spaying and neutering and shots.  Because they were offering a “June special”, both dogs were neutered, received rabies shots and vaccinations for a total of $80.00.  The neutering was only $25.00 for each dog!


Our older dog, Dudley, is glad it’s not his turn to go to the animal clinic!

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He’s trying to slink away unnoticed!


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Don’t worry Dudley, vaccinations are all you have to worry about!  We adopted Duds as a  young puppy from the high kill shelter about nine years ago.  He’s leader of the pack and a wonderful dog!


It got me to thinking about something that is close to my heart—the pet overpopulation problem which results in suffering and euthanasia for so many unwanted pets.  If city governments would spend our tax dollars on free or low cost spaying/neutering, they would be spending lots less on housing unwanted animals and the costs associated with euthanasia.  Our local humane society, which does not receive any government funds, has now been able to hire a staff veterinarian.  So  has our local pound which does put animals down, but ships some of them up north for adoption.  The small towns are really terrible.  Being picked up in a small southern town is really a death sentence for most dogs and cats.

Dr. Teresa Medlock, staff veterinarian at Pulaski County Humane Society. 


375477_10150556356737813_63213477812_10759257_1873083404_nHumane Society spay & neuter program

Dr. Medlock has done some amazing work with the animals at the shelter—even slept in the barn with a severely injured horse!  That is real dedication and I admire that!

Animals give so much to us.  I truly believe that they were created to serve us and make our lives better.  Just think of all the disabled people who have been helped by a service dog. 

When my kids were small, I framed a wonderful prayer for animals by Dr. Albert Schweitzer, physician, theologian and missionary to Africa.


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  Compassion for animals needs to be taught to our children.  I truly believe that children who are  taught to be compassionate to animals will also be kinder to their fellow man as they grow up. 

“C” reminded me of the scripture that says: “A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.”




I love this quote by Abraham Lincoln!



Does your community support a local humane society and seek solutions to alleviate suffering from overpopulation of animals?  Are there low cost or free spay/neuter clinics in your area?


Vivianne said…
I am proud to say, all 3 of my cats and the dog are rescues :-)
Good for you, Vivianne! All of my pups are rescues also--except for little Desi who daughter bought from a breeder! I guess he's an "official" rescue now, since he is waiting to be reunited with her! If I can keep hubby from getting too attached!
TexWisGirl said…
this is a great post. i am happy our county has added low-cost spay/neuter programs a few years ago AND added a shelter which they've now expanded. my last 2 dogs came from there.
kath001 said…
One of ours is a rescued PitBull. One is an adopted Chesapeake Bay Retriever whose owner loved him much, but didn't have room for him to get the exercise he needed.

Our third dog is sort of a rescue. I got first pick from a local couple who had a litter of German Shepherd puppies, but she got parvo after she came home with us and didn't make it. When the breeder couldn't find a buyer for the last puppy of the litter, she asked me if I would like to have her. We could tell from the first visit that she wasn't anything like her sister that we lost. She's very sweet, and we love her, but she was a CHALLENGING toddler and teen! She won my heart completely, though, when I was home alone and having to deal with a plumber that I didn't like. He was working outside our fenced yard, and every time he tried to come up to the house she would actually charge the fence...I've never seen her do it before or since. I was very happy to just speak to him over the fence, with my protector at my side. :)
Vee said…
Not that I know of... I think your solution sounds great.

Leave it to Mom to come through for the grandpuppies! ☺
I love good animal people!.. and WOW those prices for neuter/shots were fantastic! You'd pay about $350. for the same thing here.

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