C: Please Don’t Buy This Book
There’s a new book out. Please don’t buy it. Don’t download it to your Kindle; don’t pollute your bookshelves with a bound copy. You can glean all you really need to know about this subject free from the internet and television. Let’s don’t line this wh**e’s pockets, please. I’ll synopsize the highlights for you here for the twin purposes of letting off steam and perhaps costing Rielle Hunter a book sale or two. I’ve written about this woman before. I’ve also written about Edwards. Neither posts are flattering and Hunter’s televised interview last night did not change my opinion. Hunter says she didn't give in easily to sleeping with a married man. Apparently it took “Johnny” telling her about his three other mistresses in order for her to crawl into bed with him that first night they met. This thought pretty much stuns me. Let me get this straight: Being told that he is a serial adulterer—that you will be just one in his string--...