Cowgirl V: Shortly after the tornado that struck Tuscaloosa, AL, I asked my sister if she would consider writing a guest post about her experiences there. She is a registered nurse who previously worked with Hurricane Katrina refugees. V Enormous, menacing killer tornado looming over Tuscaloosa, Alabama April 27, 2011 Well, it has finally started happening. I knew the day would come, but it has taken much longer than I expected. You see, I live in a tornado ravaged city. The April 27 devastation that occurred in Tuscaloosa, Alabama did not destroy my home. In fact, we had no damage. We were out of town when the storm hit but were glued to the television as we watched it begin to tear across the city. I cannot describe our feelings we had as we watched this giant storm make its way across the city. Then we had to come home. We actually came home a day early to see what we could do to help. ...
Cheers - Joolz
Have fun and have a tropical drink for me.
- Suzanne
Have a blessed trip,