V: Remembering A Wild Halloween



Green Halloween

“Witches and goblins and jack-o-lanterns bright

Creep through the town on a cold October night. 

You can hear the sounds of running feet when nothing can be seen

And the strangest things can happen on a WILD HALLOWEEN!”


“”C” and I sang this song during childhood in the sixties and now I sing it to my grandchildren!  Almost nothing we loved more than trick-or-treating in our neighborhood.  Mrs. Korte who lived up the street, dressed as a witch and gave out wax lips, mustaches and fangs!  She played spooky music too, so her house was the highlight of our night!  It was a simpler time—we never heard of the ugly side of Halloween—it was so much fun to use our imagination, dress up in a costume and run up and down the streets under our parent’s watchful eye in the cool of the autumn night.  Later at home we would pour the candy out on the bed or table and see what treats we would enjoy.  Remember the peanut butter kisses wrapped in black or orange paper?  I still love them, but didn’t find them at the store this year!



My grandkids trick or treated for the first time in a long time.  The past few years we have all attended a carnival at a country church with free food and lots of fun for the kids, but this year they wanted to experience trick or treating again.  My daughter’s friend lives in a great neighborhood that is child friendly!  The little elementary school where “C” and I began first grade had a wonderful carnival.  I still remember the lady in a huge skirt with pockets, the scary room which I avoided because it was dark and people jumped out, and of course a cake walk. 

Emma’s first time to trick or treat!




Jack and his “Snow White” mama—his first time to trick or treat too!



“Out in the street, merry children run about.  Masks on their faces, they

go with noisy shout.  They rap at every windowpane where people may

be seen, and the strangest things can happen on a WILD HALLOWEEN!


Hope everyone had a safe, wonderfully FUN Halloween!

 TELL MEwhat is your favorite memory of Halloween when you were growing up?


Vee said…
Oh the candy...still a candy lover and that is NOT good. ☺
Sandra said…
I LOVED Halloween when I was little. I remember all the porch lights in our neighborhood being on and the streets full of kids in costume going from house to house collecting their candy. When I think back about it, it seems like it had a carnival atmosphere. We were so blessed to have grown up in those simpler times, weren't we.
Yes, Vee I concur! My favorite is chocolate, but thse flavored wax lips were my childhood favorite!
Cowgirl V
Zuzana said…
This was really lovely to read.;)
Halloween is gaining hold as a celebration in Scandinavia too. So far it is limited to pumpkin carving.;))
I only have memories from Halloween in US as a young adult.;) I recall my first pumpkin carving though - it was with a handsome neighbour who invited me to carve a pumpkin with him when he learned that I have never done it - I think he had a crush on me and had not courage to ask me out.;) This was our only date.;)
Btw, that Snow-white mom is very pretty.;)
have a great weekend,
kath001 said…
My favorite part of Halloween was deciding on a costume and creating the costume...homemade, never store bought.
dulcy said…
I LOVED those wax lips and the orange and black peanut butter goo (whatever that stuff was, it was good!). When I was teaching we always let the kiddos dress up and have a parade at school. None of that now! A bit of a "fall festival" is all that's allowed.

KathyB. said…
Jack's Snow White mom is beautiful, and it sounds like the old fashioned Halloweens of my childhood.

My father-in-law's place was the highlight of his neighborhood when my husband was growing up, he went all out and gave away a lot of candy.

Too bad things are so much more scary, but good some still have a pleasant time.

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