V: Remembering A Wild Halloween
“Witches and goblins and jack-o-lanterns bright Creep through the town on a cold October night. You can hear the sounds of running feet when nothing can be seen And the strangest things can happen on a WILD HALLOWEEN!” “”C” and I sang this song during childhood in the sixties and now I sing it to my grandchildren! Almost nothing we loved more than trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. Mrs. Korte who lived up the street, dressed as a witch and gave out wax lips, mustaches and fangs! She played spooky music too, so her house was the highlight of our night! It was a simpler time—we never heard of the ugly side of Halloween—it was so much fun to use our imagination, dress up in a costume and run up and down the streets under our parent’s watchful eye in the cool of the autumn night. Later at home we would pour the candy out on the bed or table and see what treats we would enjoy. Remember the peanut butter kisses...