C: Comfies

linus Could it be that our heat wave is over?  It has been one long, hot summer here, dry as a tinderbox.  The only upside has been very little mowing.  Our grasses have struggled this summer,and I am thankful I no longer have horses in need of winter hay, because the price must be sky-high.  We’ve had rains now, and we’re only the the 90’s during the day, which is feeling like a cold snap!

But early last week, the heat was still on.  I’d come home from work at 6 p.m. and my little car would still be registering over 100 degrees.

On one of those mornings as I traveled to work, I noticed that at 7:30 a.m. it was already near 90 degrees.  My drive takes me along a four-lane, divided parkway, the two sides enclosing a wooded area which has paved pathways.  Inmom and stroller the mornings I see health-conscious folks out walking, jogging or skating there. 

This particular morning, I spied a young mother in her exercise shorts and tank top pushing a stroller.  Sitting  upright, contentedly surveying her world, was a little girl who appeared to be eighteen months or so.  Piled up on her stroller’s little tray and probably tucked around her was a fluffy, pink blanket. 

All I could think was, “My goodness, that blanket must be hot at near 90 degrees!”  But I remember well how important it was for my son to have his blanket wherever he went at that age. He, too, would have wanted it, no matter the temperature.  I knew why this Mom did not veto the blanket on this hot morning—things would have gotten really hot in its absence!

sock bunny I thought back over Son’s several comfort items:  the blanket with the satin binding that I had to sneak into the washing machine.  His two sock bunnies, one white and one brown (“Chocolate Bunny”).  These were important to him, soothing and comforting.

Even as adults, I think we have continue to have comfies to ease the stress in our lives.  I started thinking about some of mine:

  • Oh, yes, I’m afraid there is comfort food.  It is a mac and chees comfort habit I am trying to break, but try as I might, macaroni and cheese is still a go-to in times of stress.  Unhealthy, I know…yes, I need to work on this habit of turning to food, but I’m trying to be honest in my assessment of comforts here.
  • My dog.  Chili is a great source of comfort.  He is invariably delighted when I arrive home from work each day.  He accompanies me from room-to-room.  When I am home, he is my constant companion and a great comfort.  I think petting him decreases my blood pressure!
  • Pajamas.  Not only are these physically comfortable, I think they are emotionally comfortable.  When I pull pajamas on, it is like a signal that my stressful day is over and it is time to relax.

Do you identify with the little girl and her hot blanket on a hot morning?  What comfy would you have even in the face of “heat?” What gives you comfort in times of stress?  --C


Vee said…
Music...particularly worship songs.

Food...yup, me too




I think I need to reverse some of the orders here. =D

Read once that all comfies for children represent "mother." Not sure if that is true, but found it interesting.

TexWisGirl said…
my comfort food is mashed potatoes. :)
Cgirl said…
My daily comfort is two cups of hot coffee in the morning, no mater the weather temperature. Morning is my time for relaxation.
Anonymous said…
My first "comfie" or "lovey" was a mint green wool blanket!
Today my "comfort" comes from citting in my porch rocker listening to the tinkling garden fountain early in the morning, or a cup of tea in the afternoon. Fragrance is a huge comfort to me--good ones that is! I love the scent of lavender, vanilla, rose, Avon Soft Pink Bubble Bath which they recently discontinued! Boo Avon--never discontinue a classic! Baby powder- the smell and feel of it is a comfort to me too!
Anonymous said…
C my comfort is music, food and work.
Kim said…
I have a pink cotton weave blanket on my bed at all times. And a pair of flannel jammies (so old they could fall apart anytime) that I "must" wear when I'm sick - with bright yellow fluffy socks.
dulcy said…
We seem to be having a bit of a break from the heat this weekend, but back in the 90's next week. But, better than triple digits for days on end! My daily comfort right now is knitting, rug hooking, and coffee with friends.... does wonders! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog.
Vickie said…
Well, I don't have my first "comfie" anymore - my thumb! But I do have this little thing I do of twiddling around the edge of a soft fabric - pillowcase, whatever. I also twirl my hair. My husband's used to it I guess. It's soothing to me still. My mama used to have to look for me in the department stores - and she'd find me, a little girl with her thumb in her mouth and having come upon some soft fabric or a fur hanging on a clothes rack. I would instantly stop when I came across something soft. LOL! I always used to LOVE to rock my babies, too, and I'll still catch myself rocking sitting in the pew at church! People must think I'm silly! Well, nowadays, it's chicken n dumplings. Not so healthy either!

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