V: Fields of Daffodils





Every year I eagerly await the arrival of Spring with it’s warmer temperatures.  I bask in the days of sunshine, so welcome after the long grey winter. The  budding flowers and  the promise of May, my favorite month of the year!

  “C” recently wrote about her family’s visit to the Wye Mountain Daffodil Festival, and a little ditty posted on Facebook by our blogging friend, Tess Kincaid, of www.willowmanor.blogspot.com, inspired me to post about my family’s recent visit to Wye Mountain also.  You might want to visit Tess’ blog sometime—she is a published poet with a new book coming out!  She is also a movie buff and  lives in a haunted house,  which I find most intriguing!!!

The little nursery rhyme she quoted is one most of us are probably familiar with.  I thought it’s origins were English, but Google research indicated that it was written by none other than the renowned American author, Nathaniel Hawthorne, of The Scarlett Letter fame!   


Daffy down dilly
















Our visit to the daffodil festival was on a particularly windy day—hope the old saying concerning March “In like a lion, out like a lamb” bears out as April nears!





Eldest daughter  has two sons with birthdays back to back so she decided that a family visit to nearby Wye Mountain would be a perfect photo opportunity AND we could celebrate both boys birthdays with a little party.





Eldest daughter with her sweet girls in the photo below.





Youngest daughter with her toddler son.  He was an infant when they brought him to Wye Mt. last year! 





Last, but not least-- my only son with his lovely bride!



I’ll end with a photo of the whole family!  Eldest daughter is so right—our family is our greatest earthly treasure!   There are many trials to be endured as we walk through life, and lots of families are under immense strain, but some days you just need to walk through fields of daffodils!!!



Little girls playing – reminds me of when “C” and I were young! 



I love Wye Mountain and it’s surrounding rural communities and natural beauty.   It is only about 40 minutes from our home in central Arkansas and nearby is the  community of Little Italy where my grandmother taught the immigrant women how to can and preserve food at the local Catholic Church when she traveled as County Extension Agent during the mid to late 1930’s.  Remote Little Italy has a checkered past—perhaps I’ll write about it some day!

So does your family have a tradition where you gather together every year to create memories?  We’d love to know!


kath001 said…
Now that the hubs and I as well as our children and grandchildren all live in the same town, we see each other a lot more often and more casually. As far as extended family, it has been a long time for my side. I haven't seen any of my sisters in years, though I keep in touch fairly often with the one I'm closest to. My husband's large family is better about getting together, though not often are all the siblings together in the same place at the same time.
Thankfully, for now all our kids live close so we can see our grandkids often, but who knows if it stays that way. Things can change. Hubby's family is close, but some are 3 or 4 hrs. away. We have been so fortunate to be near family!
Mama said…
Beautiful, smiling family!! I agree with your daughter, too.
Cynthia Moody said…
Beautiful pix, V. Glad you could get them all together. Yes, it is good to have family around. I enjoy working every day with my two siblings--even when we're squabbling! C
HappyK said…
You are lucky to have such a great family. Lovely photos.
No reunions with my family.
Unknown said…
What a day to remember, beautiful family. I love the crowns of flowers on the girls.
Vee said…
Yes, she is so right! I think my family needs a stroll through the daffodils. Is that you, V, front and center? I hope you're in that photo! Too often we become the invisible women and especially when we have the camera.
Pat - Arkansas said…
What a lovely family you have! It's been years since I've been to Wye Mountain to see the daffodils. I was privileged to know Mrs. Harmon, the sweet woman who started the original daffodil fields; it's a pleasure to see that her legacy lives on.
Zuzana said…
What a lovely post and I love all the images - you have such stunning and gorgeous looking daughters and a very handsome son too, not to mention a truly lovely family.
Seems like a wonderful place to visit - anywhere where I can see blooming flowers is a a place of beauty to me.
Have a lovely weekend,
What a wonderful memory to make and share...thank you :)
Sandra said…
V -- You are so blessed to be able to regularly gather all of your family together. And it's wonderful that you all seem to understand that those times are important and to be treasured. :)
Dreaming Woods said…
what a wonderful place to visit, daffodil meadow!

could you please send an e-mail for me, you have won an owl necklace from me :)

Jody Blue said…
Oh do write about that checkered past(but give me a wake up call on it if I haven't checked in on you two gals). You have a lovely! Its the walks amongst the flowers that make wading threw piles of laundry and being up to your elbows in dishes that make life a bit sweeter.
Anonymous said…
V, lovin' this post! What a great day to share with your lovely family (and us!), and in a daffodil field, at that! Reminds me of Washington State Park just a few miles down the road from you. Beautiful park with great history!

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