C: Holiday Smugness

time  I said before: For me, once Halloween passes, it seems like time hurdles toward Christmas.  MIL made a motion that we go out for Thanksgiving dinner, and that’s what we’re doing.  I had mixed emotions about it, being afraid that I would miss being totally exhausted by the time the meal is here and spending huge amounts of $$$$ on groceries and then having to clean up to boot.  Norman_Rockwell_Thanksgiving_

I’ve decided I can get over that…I’ll miss the leftovers, but I surely don’t need them hanging around here.  And, let’s be real; my Thanksgiving dinners never looked like Norman Rockwell’s depiction, anyway.

I will miss cooking at Thanksgiving, as I love to cook and no longer have any reason to…being single and all.  I have quashed that regret, however, mollifying myself with thoughts of cooking my you-know-what off for Christmas. 

I have spent the morning sipping coffee and wrapping Christmas presents, andchristmas-gifts there is where the “smugness” of the title comes in.  I am a last-minute person on most things, a function of being a lawyer, I think, with too much to do and getting it done just-in-the-nick-of-the-deadline. 

This year, though, I know that Christmas will be an usually-hard strain financially, so I started amassing “good deal” gifts back in the summer.  It just did not feel right to start wrapping until now.  But now that the holiday hurdle is  here, I am really enjoying the wrapping and listing.  It feels like accomplishment.

So, yes, I am smug with satisfaction that I have a financial jump on. St. Nick.  If I can just keep this pace, I’ll finish the holiday race with breath (and cash, a little) to spare at Christmas.  Sounds good, but I bet I end up just as frenetic as usual…just my style.

Now, I cannot close this post without mentioning my very, very favorite Christmas tradition for those of you with kids at home—or grandkids!


While my son was growing up, each year I got a plain ornament and a paint pen.  I put his name and the year at the top.  All over it I wrote the events of the year, such as “Starring role in ‘Peter Pan’” or “Scored winning goal in Soccer tournament,” or “New Cousin born!”  I included the bad, too—“Bobby feel off horse and broke his arm—ouch!”

Now, even as an adult, my son reads over these ornaments each year as we decorate the tree, exclaiming, “I remember that trip, Mom!  It’s the one where you got lost from me and Dad in Macy’s…”

You’ve got plenty of time!  Go to the craft store and start making these memory ornaments for your kids.  They will love you for it in years to come!

Happy Holiday Hurdle!  C


Anonymous said…
You are too good girl! I am missing having Thanksgiving with my girls as we are too far apart and too poor to make the trip to California and/or Arizona this year but still have family coming over so okay there. I started a tradition with my girls when they were little by buying them special Christmas decorations as gifts each year so they would have a whole tree full when they left home. Hope they still have them.....
HappyK said…
We did the ornament thing when we first got married. We have 36 red balls with white paint for every Christmas. It was a great idea. This past year was the first time we didn't do it.
Janean said…
what a great idea, *rightfully-smug-one*....uh i've not done one bit of shopping - nor even planning yet. LOL! okay, i'm laughing NOW, but probably won't be in a month.

big cowgirl hugs!
Cathy said…
What a great idea! I'm going to start this for my baby grand daughter!
Kitty said…
Oh, well done YOU!
As for me, anyone receiving a prezzie will be getting something handmade from my fair hands; I've done homemade Tia Maria, vegetarian mincemeat, Spicy Plum, Pear and Apple Chutney and I'm in the midst of Christmas Fruitcakes right now. Later this month I'll begin the cookie production, I like to give an assorted plate to each of the girl's teachers and anyone who has helped me out this year. And of course my close friends.

The ornament is a *great* idea! I'll start that tradition this year, for sure!

Hugs and quiches from Kitty
Anonymous said…
Great idea on the memory ornaments.
Zuzana said…
What a beautiful and cosy post.;)
I can not believe but I totally LOVE the fact that you are already wrapping Christmas presents.;)
And I so enjoyed to read about your ornament idea.;)
Have a lovely Sunday,
Sharon Lovejoy said…
I LOVE it that you do the writing-on -the-ornament memory-thing. Perfect idea. We think we'll never forget certain happenings, but if we don't write them down we DO forget them. I keep memory books for my grands, but this is simple and wonderful.

You should feel smug. I was so wrapped up in book tour and redoing an apartment that I never snatched up the good deals.

About Thanksgiving and all the work...one of my best friends is showing up a day ahead to help me through the ordeal. Also, I cranked up the tv and watched Ina, who makes it seem simpler than I ever could do it.

Enough rambling. Have a great day!

Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Suzan said…
Welllll,C....I'm a bit annoyed with you. I'll just try not to let it get to me, okay? It's about those gifts being all wrapped up and the dinner. I love all the folks visits and getting things ready - but honestly it's one hell of a job.

FanTAStic memory ornaments.
love the memory ornament idea...

i have a 4 year old niece...and 2010..a perfect year to start this....

thanks for the great idea....

kary and teddy
I'm going to start this for the two new additions to our family this year- Jack and Emma. Jack just learned to walk, so that will be on his! Emma is turning over and smiles all the time--such a happy girl! I've always loved looking at the ornaments on your tree--such a wonderful way to remember special things that happened during the year!
KathyB. said…
You will be full of good Thanksgiving food and no dirty dishes!For a small price maybe they will let you take some left overs home.

That is a good idea for ornaments that will definitely be memorable. One day your son will be retelling his stories to his children as he hangs those ornaments on the tree.
Vee said…
I am truly impressed with your efficiency. As for Thankgsgiving dinner out, I am certain that it can become a cherished thing to do. My family talks about it from time to time, but it hasn't happened yet and it's okay. We share the burden of groceries, preparation, and clean-up. And it goes very well except for the bit about too many cooks in the kitchen.
Cindy Knull said…
Love your writing style. I followed the link from another blog and voila! Here I am. Gonna bookmark. :)
Anonymous said…
C, really like the ornament idea and plan to implement it this year. Gotta go buy new balls and a paint pen. The Mary Travers story is great! Always enjoy catching up with you. :)
Sandra said…
You have every right to feel smug -- good for you for getting a jump on all that craziness. It reminds me of the time I was addressing Christmas cards on Halloween and had to keep stopping to go to the door! (That only happened once.)

I love the Christmas ornament idea. Wish I had known about that when our kids were little.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, friend. Sometimes we just have to be thankful that we DIDN'T have to cook. :)
I love the holidays, the true Holy Days...halloweenie doesn't count... Even if I'm not ready with gifts wrapped, etc., it doesn't matter as long as I keep my focus on Him.
Vickie said…
What a cool idea! Too bad my kids are already grown! Maybe I can start this when/if I have grandkids! Thanks for the tip, C. and congrats on gettinga jump on your Christmas shopping!
Kitty said…
You know, C&V... I'm thinking that spam protection should kick in on your Blog after 5 days...

Hope things are still festive on your end!

Kind regards, Kitty

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