C: In the Darkness of the Night…Early!
I’m not one to gripe about daylight savings time, but when I got home tonight at 6:30, it was pitch black outside. I live in the woods, so the darkness is deep (I keep meaning to get a night light installed). Tonight it seemed especially so. It’s not just the blackness, it’s that it feels late, too. I was amazed that it was only 6:30, and not two or two-and-a-half hours later. I remember when I used to show horses and wanted to inhibit the growth of their winter coats to keep them show-sleek. We’d keep lights on in the stable longer at night in the winter (not all night, but longer) to “fool” their bodies into not growing long hair. I think the presence or absence of light is interpreted by our bodies as cues. Well, this early nighttime seems a cue to mine to hit the h ay early! But, not to worry. I got home to a wonderful meatloaf by MIL! She knows it is my favorite, and I never make it. For some re...