C: A Great Cloud of Witness
I got an email this morning from a client who has been dead at least six months. We’ll call him “Peter,” which is not his real one. Seeing his name pop up in my inbox was eerie. I knew immediately that it was not a “real” message and, sure enough, it was one of those that is sent out to everyone in your inbox advertising sexual enhancers or weight loss or some such—I don’t know which in this case since I do not open these. Still, it was odd seeing Peter’s name, especially in this early-morning fog before my coffee. It felt momentarily like a message from the grave from someone who had not been ready to pass on from this life. Like a stilled voice trying to cry out to be remembered. Indeed, he had not been ready. He left an eight-year-old son for whom he and I fought hard. His death had been out-of-the-blue, young. He need not signal from beyond for me to remember Peter. But, I am digressing—my ADD. There are many rabbit holes I...