
Showing posts from February, 2009

V: Trusting

This week's been hard! Difficult circumstances for a child I love. Can't figure out how to "fix it", although as a mother I always want to at least try to "fix it". I pray and pray, but sometimes it seems to hit against a brick wall. I think I've reached the yielding point. Whatever Lord, whatever. I'm not sure even what to ask in this situation. Whatever your Will, be done. To anyone peeking in, hop over to http://www.threeblindsheep.blogspot/ . You will NOT be disappointed! M had just the encouraging word I needed to hear today.

V: He Was Unwanted

My dad's birthday was this week. February 17, 1922, a baby boy, weighing 8 lbs. was born to my 20 yr. old grandmother, who had been deserted by her young husband. He left Arkansas to seek his fortune in Salt Lake City and later ended up in New York. In the old family Bible, I discovered my grandmother's attempt to erase the indelible ink birthdate of my father, who had been born in Feb. following her August wedding. She had confessed to my mother that she and her mother had attempted to bring on menstruation by various home "remedies". Of course it is apparent that in order to avoid the shame and embarrassment of a unwed pregnancy (especially in 1921), that they tried to abort the life of her unborn child. Fortunately, the attempt was not successful, and my lovely grandmother gave birth to a hearty, healthy, handsome boy who would be the best son a mother could have and he would be the only child she would ever bear, though she remarried when he was nine. Letters...

C: Going to Sea!

If I had a boat I'd go out on the ocean And if I had a pony I'd ride him on my boat And we could all together Go out on the ocean Me upon my pony on my boat -- Lyle Lovett song, "If I Had a Boat" There will be no mother-in-law jokes in my home! I am blessed with two wonderful mothers: mine, who lives in my hometown, and my husband’s mother, whose home is now distant. My mother-in-law and I talk often because we love each other and because we want to stay connected, thanking God that we live in the age of telephones and e mails. This New Years my mother-in-law treated her two daughters and me to a seven-day cruise in the Eastern Caribbean and, I mean to tell you, she treated us to first-class all the way. We lost my father-in-law in August 2007, and it was from his insurance proceeds (and my mother-in-law's generosity therefrom) that we were able to do this. He was a self-described "Old Salt," a veteran of the US Navy and a lifelong lover of all things ha...