C: Christmas and Computer Crashes!
Excuses, excuses. Sorry there has been no post! First the holiday bustle, then my home computer crashed. I've always heard of these "crashes" but this is a first experience for me--not good! Anyway, after delay, let me give you the lowdown promised on my "big girl sleepover!" We had a great time! This is going to be an annual event, I'm certain. We had two "newbies" in the crowd, so the evening meal and activities were a bit surface. Boy, by breakfast time had that ever changed! There's just something about a sleepover and arriving at breakfast table sleepy-eyed and with bed hair that breaks down walls. We sat--and this is quite literally--for three hours, making pot after pot of coffee and listening to the conversation deepening. Several in our midst were going through "stuff" (including yours truly). There was no contrivance to the conversation, no steering, it just went. What happened was healing and helpful. Those of us who were i...